<<Not Part Of The Story! Just A Parley OneShot>>

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*Parley oneshot to celebrate pride month. You don't have to read. Enjoy*

No One's POV

Harley and Peter were cuddling on the couch of Stark Tower. Peter's head was on Harleys chest and Harley had his head resting on top of his and both had arms around each other. FRIDAY was playing Love Simon on the TV, even though no one was watching.

Shuri was visiting for the month. After all, who wouldn't want to spend pride month with the worlds gayest family. Ned and MJ were also at the tower. Those three were riding up the elevator from decorating the lobby with pride flags.

They walk in to see the beautiful couple cuddling. "Oi, fem gay and fem fuckboy gay. We have people round, can you stop shoving it in our faces that you're not single." Shuri said.

"Shut up, Shuri! You're not single either." Peter shouted over to her.

"Yeah, babe, you're not single." MJ kissed her cheek.

"Now I just feel lonely." Ned muttered.

Harley and Peter sat up so they all could sit down. Ned came to sit by the gays and the lesbians went to sit in an armchair together.
"No, Ned, your not lonely. You're just a straight person with only gay friends. So, people either think your gay or your in the shadow or our gloriousness." MJ laughed.

"That didn't make sense to me. Did it to you?" Peter whispered to Ned. He shrugged too. Love Simon had ended by now but no one noticed. Everyone started to talk about what they wanted to wear to pride tomorrow. "I'm thinking a black jumpsuit with a chunky lesbian flag belt." MJ said, laying back in her chair. "You would look so good in that, babe." Shuri leaned back against her, "I'm thinking I'll wear some black jeans and my omnisexual flag shirt."
"You guys will look so cute!" Peter squealed, mock fanning his face. MJ threw a book at him. "Wait, did anyone see them grab that?-" (MJ is She/They in this btw w a preference to they/them)

"How about you Ned?" Shuri asked, "As a straight, cis, man what will you wear?"

"Um... some jeans and... oh! This shirt that Peter got me when he came out!"

"The one that says 'The Straight Best Friend' on the front?" Peter laughed.

"Yeah! What about you guys?"

"I'm going to wear this Spiderman, gay, shirt I got awhile ago. And some ripped, black, jeans." Harley said, ignoring the weird shirt thing.

"I'm going to wear this StarWars bi shirt with some black jeans." Peter smiled, thinking about his shirt he got on sale.

"We all going to look awesome!" Shuri said, high fiving MJ.

--time skip brought to you by my brother who thinks this book is absolute trash🥰😊--

The next morning they all woke up to Steve and Tony wearing 'I'm gay for this man' shirts. "Morning my little gays! And Ned." Tony said, opening his arms as if there were millions clapping for him.

"Morning old gay." MJ smirked. Tony clasped a hand to his arc reactor, 'ouch' was heard mixed in with everyone's laughter.

"Everyone ready for pride?" Steve asked, handing out plates of waffles. Choruses of 'yeah' and 'mhm' followed. "Good, now after breakfast you gays (and Ned) go get ready then we can set off."

"Is any of the team coming?" asked Harley.

"We might see them, but their still on their mission. If they come, though, they will be in full suites, but I think they brought pride flags on the quintet so if they made it back they would fit in fine."

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