Apartment Hunt

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Peter's POV

I hear my alarm going off, I flop my hand around my nightstand to try and find my phone. It took a few try's, but I eventually turn it off. I lay there for a minute staring at the ceiling, thinking about yesterday. I smile at the memories with Sofia ad Harley and how my relationship with мама паук depend.
I swing my feet over the side of my bed and checked my phone. It was 7:30! Shit! How do I always be late! I rush to get dressed, forgetting to check my messages. I grab my backpack and swipe my phone of my nightstand. Just as I reach the front door May grabs my wrist. For god's sake!


"Late are we." She spat in my face; it wasn't a question it was a taunt. She threw me against the counter, my backpack slides of my shoulder. She walks over to me and punch's me square in the nose. And then in the jaw. I can taste the blood pooling in my mouth. A drop of blood overflows my lip and trickles down my chin. She punch's my in the eye with so much force my head slams down on the counter. "You a worthless little piece of shit! Don't eat today you fat pig! Always costing me so much! Ben died because of YOU! You deserve to DIE!" she screamed.
I felt tears sliding down my cheeks at she kicks me in the stomach.

*Abuse over*

Finally, after she's done, she storms off and grabs a beer. I take this as my escape. I grab my backpack and run out the door. I check my phone and see I have 10 minutes to get to school. "Shit!" I whisper and run into an alley. The only way to get to school on time is to swing there. I check no ones here and that there's no security cameras. Nothing. Once in I'm my suit I start swinging.

I get a block away from the school before I land. I land in an alley and get changed very quickly. Once I'm done I run (a little faster than a normal human) to school. I'm still five minutes late. Great. But luckily so was my teacher so I didn't get a detention.

"Hey! Pete! Did you see my messages!?" Wade whisper shouted. I shake my head. He sighs, "We might have a problem. I'll tell you later."
I nod but I'm worried about what our 'problem' is. I take out my books and look around, Harley's not here. "Where's Harley?" I whisper. Wade shakes his head, "I don't know.".

Harley's POV

I was walking to school when Tony calls me. "Hey da-Tony." I shake my head at my slip up.

"Hey Harley. Um we need you to come back for an hour or something."

"Um okay but I have school.."

"Don't worry I already called your school and you have the first few periods off."

"Um..okay.. cya in 10." I hang up and turn around. A little annoyed that I have to walk back.

When I walk back into the penthouse, I see Pops and Tony sitting on the couch. They look a little worried. "So what's up?.." I go over and sit down in an armchair.

Pops gives Tony a side glace and hesitates before answering, "We think Spiderman poisoned Natasha and as he won't tell us who he is and he can slip away all the time we are setting the whole city to find him and bring him in." they both stare at me waiting for an answer. I just look at them wide eyed. Could Spiderman have done that to Natasha? Is he dangerous? Why would he do that? My mind spirals into a deep pit of unknown, I shake my head to stop myself from spiralling further. "Um.. okay.. but do you think he could actually do something like that? Have you told Natasha? Is there proof?"

Tony answered this time, "We don't know but he's the only one who could've gotten close enough to Natasha to do something like that, other than an avenger and you. Yes, we have told Natasha, but no we have no proof but it's the only logical thing."
I nod, still thinking it over in my head. "Does the public know why we are asking to bring him in?"

Be there for you// ParleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin