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Peter's POV

Something slams down onto my head. I groggily open my eyes to be met with the fiery eyes of the she-devil. "WAKE UP BRAT!" she yelled. I didn't need to be told twice. I sat up but didn't move further.

"I can't believe that a stupid little shit like you is still in bed! Get up off your lazy ass and get out!" She shouted. She slapped my face before walking out, I could hear the fridge open, she's probably getting a beer.

I sigh a breath of relief that that's all I got. I look at the tiny clock in my room, 9am. 9AM!! I overslept! I turn to my phone to see why my alarm didn't go off. I pick it up and try to turn it on, its dead. Great. I plug it un in hope that it will have some battery before I leave.
I grab some jeans and a black hoddie, I quickly get changed and things my stuff into them into my backpack.

I slip on my shoes and sneak past May's room. She's already out cold. I run to the subway station. I check my phone, (which is on 43% because of some upgrades I did to my cable) its 9:30. The subway takes 25 minutes, so I'll have plenty of time.

When the subway finally arrives, I step of and walk over to the beautiful tower, glistening in the sunlight. When I walk in throw the glass double doors, I look around. There's some comfy couch's along the sides of the room, there's mini arc reactors hanging all over the ceiling, the massive pillars leading up to the desk are covered in Avengers fanart. It was stunning.
I walk up to the receptionist, still admiring the place, "Hello, my names Peter Parker! Nice to meet you!" I hold out my hand.

The lady at the desk looks up from her computer, she smiles, "Hello Peter, my names Toni Smith! I'm guessing you're the other high school intern?" she takes my hand and shakes it.

"Yes. Um, Ms Smith, you wouldn't happen to know where I should go?" I ask politely, I was playing with my sleeves nervously.

She gives me a sweet smile, "Well you're definitely the politest person in this whole building." She laughs, "And yeah, hold on let me grab you a badge and then we'll find out where you'll be working." She tuns around and shuffles through some draws. Finally, she pulls out a grey badge. She hands it to me, "Here you go. You'll be working on floor 35, the cafeteria is on floor 50. FRIDAY will bring you to where you need to go. And you do not have access to any floors you're not needed for." Ms Smith says.

I nod and stuff the pass into my pocket. "Thank you, Ms Smith!"

"Please call me Toni,"

"Okay. Bye Ms Toni!" I say before walking over to the elevator. I can hear Ms Toni laughing from here. I get into the elevator, but upon entering I notice that there's no buttons. I stand there for a good two minutes before remembering that FRIDAY completely controls the whole building. "Um h-hello? FRIDAY?" I say softly.

"Hello Mr Parker. Where can I take you today?"

I jumped at the sudden voice, thankfully it stopped myself before I jumped onto the ceiling. "H-hi can you please bring me to floor t-thirty f-five."

"Of course, how is your day going Mr Parker?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask before I can stop myself. I just asked how an AI's day was!

"My functions are all working fine. And I have, in the most human way possible, had a good day" there was something like.... happiness in her voice.

"That's good to hear," I say, that sent me into awkward silence. Thankfully, I arrived at the intern labs. "Enjoy Mr Parker, be safe" FRIDAY's voice sounded...sincere? I nodded and stepped out.

Be there for you// ParleyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu