Non Biological Family

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*Thank you for 8.1K!! Like holy shit! Um.. enjoy?*

Peter's POV

I woke up next to Wade, he was snoring, and had to push half of him off me so I could get up. I end up pushing myself off the bed, "Ugh!". I get up and walk into the kitchen, I look at the clock on the oven, 6AM. "I might as well shower.."

I'm halfway through getting undressed when I realise that I don't really have more clothes to change into. I still don't really want to go to May's, so I pull on my Spidey suit and swing to the shops. I quickly walk in and buy a pack of underwear, t-shirts and two pairs of jeans (all the cheapest ones I could find). For some reason people asked for a photo with me, which I did. I already felt my phone buzz from getting tagged in photos.

When I get back to my apartment I quickly shower, try on to focus on the stinging on my legs, and change into my new clothes. I stuff the dirty clothes into the shopping bag and put it next to the washing machine. I bring my other new clothes back into my room and see Wade still asleep. "Wade! Get up!" I say, not to loudly so I wouldn't wake Sofia up. Wade doesn't move so I go over and flick him on the forehead. "Ow!" Wade grumbles and sits up.

"Get up. You stink, go have a shower before my bed sheets smell like you forever!"

"Fine, but only because I know who you want your bed to smell like-" Wade gets cut off by me chucking a science book at his head. "Shut up!" I pout, but he just laughs evilly and runs to the bathroom before I could attack him with another book.

Wade had been in the bathroom for a long time, I go over and knock on the door, "Hey, Wade? You, okay?"

"Um.. do you have any spear clothes from you shopping? I don't have any clean clothes here...yet."

"Yeah, hold on- wait what do you mean 'yet'?"

"When we move your stuff into this place, I will also move my clothes from May's house to here as well."

"When did you have clothes at May's"?

"Since we went through the faze of basically living with each other."

"That was before Ben died.."

"..Yeah, and I've updated my draw ever since."

I go to my room and grab the new clothes and go back to the bathroom door, "Okay, I'm going to open the door now-"

"As long as you don't try and attack me again." He laughs. I roll my eyes and open the door slightly and pass him the clothes.

I go back to the kitchen and see that we have absolutely no food. "Well... I guess we'll have to pick up breakfast and go shopping later..." I sigh and ignore my growling stomach. I walk around and make sure I have all my books for classes today. When Wade comes back out, he checks his backpack as well.

I go into Sofia's room and slowly wake her up, "Hey honey.. дорогая, просыпайся .. нам нужно собраться и пойти завтракать." I gently shake her (honey, wake up... we need to get ready and go get breakfast). I've been trying to speak in Russian more with Sofia so she could try and pick some of it up. When she was a little younger, I could only speak in Russian and she would be able to speak a little back, but now I've only spoken to her in English for so long she's forgotten most of her Russian.

"по английски пожалуйста." She whines (in English please).

"Wake up we need to get ready and go get breakfast." I sigh, a little disappointed that's the most Russian I've heard her say in a what feels like forever.

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