The Night Before

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*Bonjour! I hope you guys have an amazing day! And are enjoying the book*

-time skip a week brought to you by beautiful omnisexuals!-

No One's POV

Harley and Wade went over to Peters apartment to chill out the night before their big show. Harley was cooking dinner on the stove, singing along to Bruno Marks, hitting the notes perfectly. Wade and Sofia were chilling at the table, she was training him to get better at word searches, it was taking so long to finish one search she was singing along with Harley.

Pete on the other hand was doing homework on the couch, headphones in and listening to the song he would sing tomorrow on repeat. The talent show was nerve racking, Harley was dealing with his nerves better than Peter, he was sitting there, barley making his way through what he would normally find easy homework.

The smell of the chicken stir fry was floating across the room, catching everyone's attention, making it even harder for Peter to focus on his homework. His mumbling of the lyrics and Wade curses were all lost in the sound of Bruno Mars high notes that resemble one of which an angel.

"Hello all!" Alice chirped, walking in and dropping her jacket and baseball cap on the coat rack. She was met with a chorus of 'hello's. "Is Pete ok?" She asked, wondering why he didn't greet her.

"He's in the zone, I think. And he's got headphones in so don't take it personally." Harley shouted over his shoulder.

She nods and ruffles Peters hair as she walks by, taking a seat next to Sofia. "No. No no no! Uncle Wade that's not a word and not in the list of words we need to find!" Sofia sighs, regretting trying to teach the big baby how to connect letters.

Alice laughed but decided to get out plates and cutlery for when Harley was done cooking. They all had started to hang out even more as a group since when Peter texted saying he had saw May. They were all concerned she had saw him and maybe followed him home, so they wanted to be there for support if she tries to see him, Alice even took her dagger over (but it was hidden so no one knew and Sofia wouldn't be able to get her hands on it, one of the reasons she didn't bring her gun).

"Thanks." Harley said as she set out the plates on the counter so he could just quickly pore all their food onto the plates. She nodded and brought the cutlery back to the table, making Wade and Sofia lift up their stuff so she could put them down in their places (Sofia and Wade both had plastic cutlery, Wade lost his privileges on metal ones when he somehow stabbed himself in the hand with his fork, but they agreed on beauty and the beat themed plastic ones).

As Alice placed the cups down and asked what everyone wanted to drink Harley announced dinner was to be served in five minutes. Harley groaned when his music stopped playing and was replaced by his ring tone. "Hey, Wade, can you grab that for me?" He asked.

"Mhm." Wade picked up the phone, glad to get away from the piece of paper that was beating him. "Hello?"

"Who's this?" A voice sounded concerned.

Wade raised an eyebrow, "I could ask the same thing."

"Its Tony Stark. Where Harley?" His voice turning protective quickly.

Wade smiled, "Hey! Its Wade, Harleys making dinner."

A sigh of relief rang through the phone, "Okay.. well I was calling to see if he's alright, but I guess I got my answer.. What are you guys up too?"

Wade was a little surprised that Tony was holding the conversation up but answered non the less, "Peter is going over the lyrics for tomorrow's talent show, Harley's warming up his voice-"

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