Golden Week Pt. 2

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The second day of practice is when they have a practice match. Tobio knows that Shiratorizawa is good but he didn't know how powerful they actually are. Well that is till they begin the game and Tobio receives some powerful balls. Sejoh manages to do some quick attacks just to throw the other team off. But unfortunately they lost the first set but wonderful the second and after a tight third set, Sejoh manages to win the last set. Even though they won Tobio is still pouting cause he bruise easily and now have bruises up and down his arms. The coaches let the teams mingle and practice together, so Tobio goes get a ball when someone calls his name. He turns around and see the spiker running up to him.

"Sorry about your arms," The spiker says.

"It's okay, I'm just easy to bruise," Tobio says.

"Okay, everyone is Shiratorizawa feels bad so I thought I would apologize," He says.

"It's fine and by the way I'm Tobio Kageyama, but you can just call me Tobio if you want," Tobio says.

"I'm Tsutomu Goshiki, but you can call me Tsutomu if you want," The boy says.

"I got a question though," Tobio says.

"What is it?" Tsutomu asks.

"Are you the youngest on you team? I'm just asking cause you team acts like you their baby, and there's nothing wrong with that cause my team the same way," Tobio says.

"Yeah, I'm the youngest and their baby, so they are pretty protective of me," Tsutomu says.

"That's explains why both of our captains are watching us," Tobio says looking off to the side.

Tsutomu follow his gaze and see their captains looking at them.

"Do you wanna see if they would practice with us?" Tsutomu asks.

"Sure," Tobio says.

Soon golden Week ends and Sejoh says goodbye to Shiratorizawa. Everyone gets done and they get packed up. Akira, Yuutarou, and Tobio are the first to leave since Akira and Yuutarou wants to know what's is going on with Tobio. So once they are far away from where was, they stops at their normal park. Tobio and Yuutarou sits in the swings and Akira stands in front of them.

"So what is wrong with you this week?" Akira asks.

"I have two crushes," Tobio says.

"On who?" Yuutarou asks.

"Tooru and Hajime," Tobio says.

"So the feelings are mutual," Someone says behind them.

Yuutarou and Tobio falls out of the swings and Tobio falls onto Akira and causes him to fall. They turn around and see Tooru and Hajime standing there trying not to laugh. Tobio pouts as he crosses his arms as he stares at his two senpais. Tooru smiles at him as he walks behind him and picks him up and dangles him in the air.

"What are you so pouty about?" Tooru asks playfully.

Tobio just whines and tries to escape Tooru's hold. Tooru just chuckles and brings Tobio in so he's resting on his hip. He looks at others and see them just staring at the other two boys.

"I think it's time to go home," Tooru says with a smile.

The others nods their head so Hajime and Tooru walks Akira and Yuutarou home. Tobio keeps a tight grip on Tooru's hand as he walks behind all of them. They walk past a store with televisions in then and one of them had a volleyball show on them. He draws his attention to them and didn't realize he let go of Tooru's hand. Tooru didn't realize it either since he just thought he was still behind them. So when he turns around and doesn't see Tobio, he panics and runs back the way he had came. Tobio on the other hand stayed where he is looking around hoping that they will find him.

"TOBIO!" Someone yells.

He turns towards the voice and sees Tooru running towards him. He smiles and runs towards Tooru. When he is close enough he throws himself onto Tooru who catches him easily. Tooru let out a sigh of relief and hides his face in Tobio's neck.

"I was so fucking worry, I thought you were behind us," Tooru says.

"No it's my fault, I didn't realize I let go of your hand while I caught a glimpse of a volleyball game.

"Thank goodness," Hajime says running up with the other two behind him.

"Are you guys okay? What happened?" Akira asks.

"How did we loose Tobs?" Yuutarou asks.

"Cause my attention was caught by a volleyball game and I didn't realize I let go of Tooru's hand," Tobio says.

"All that matter is that Tobio is safe and not hurt," Yuutarou says with a smile.

They continue their walk and Tooru makes sure that Tobio is in front of him. Hajime makes sure he a have a good grip on Tobio's hand. Akira and Yuutarou makes it home safely and halfway home when Tooru pulls Tobio and Hajime down an empty alley.

"What the hell," Hajime says crossing his arms.

"I want to make something official," Tooru says.

"So what is it?" Hajime asks.

Tobio just looks between the two of them with a confused look.

"I want all three of us to be in a relationship together," Tooru says.

Hajime and Tobio looks at each other before looking back at Tooru.

"Okay," They say.

Tooru smiles and back Tobio up and cage him against the wall. Tobio grips the front of his shirt and looks up at him.

"Than I think we should celebrate," Tooru says.

"We are not having sex with him in the middle of an alleyway," Hajime says.

"Fine, we'll take him home and than fuck him in your guy's bed," Tooru says.

"Bold of you to assume we sleep in the same bed," Hajime says looking away.

"Bold of you to try to deny it, even though I walk in on you two in the same bed almost every morning," Tooru says.

Hajime just growls and looks back at the blue eyed boy.

"You look like a blueberry," Hajime says.

Tobio bursts our laughing and Tooru just stares at Tobio.

"You honestly do, but back on track, we need to celebrate," Tooru says.

"How about we let this boy decide on what to do," Hajime says.

"Good idea, so Tobio-chan how do you wanna celebrate?" Tooru asks.

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