Training Camp Pt. 1

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"Come on sleepy head," Tooru says a drags a comatose Tobio to the school.

Hajime chuckles at his boyfriends as he keep glancing behind him. Tobio just groans and rub the sleep out of his eyes. Tooru let out a sigh and continues to drag the half awake boy behind him. When they make it to the school, Akira and Yuutarou shows up right after them andTakahiro and Issei are there first. When Akira and Yuutarou walks up to the others, Tobio goes to Akira and lays his whole body against him. Akira wraps his arms around Tobio and rests his head against Tobio's head.

"Don't fall asleep, wait till we're on the bus," Hajime says as he watching his underclassmen.

"You know when I'm up, I'm up and won't go back to sleep," Tobio mumbles.

"That is true," Tooru mumbles.

Soon the rest of the team shows up and they all gather up on the bus. Tobio sits between Akira and Yuutarou and they don't end up falling asleep since some of their teammates are being loud.

"Can everyone shut up," Akira groans as he tilts his head back against the seat.

He hears Hajime chuckle which Akira sends him a glare.

"What?" Hajime teases.

"Be nice, I'm tired but can't go to sleep," Akira says.

"Join the club," Tobio whinesbas he hides his face in Yuutarou's shoulder.

"Than this is gonna be a long ride for me," Yuutarou whines.

"Why is that?" Hajime asks.

"Cause I'm gonna be stuck with two whining twins," Yuutarou says.

"I am not whiny," Tobio/Akira says.

Yuutarou just cocks an eyebrow as he looks at his friend and boyfriend,

"Shut up," They say.

"Damn they even talk at the same time," Tooru says looking over at his underclassmen.

"You get used to it," Yuutarou teases.

"Rude," They say.

"It's kind of creepy," Hajime says.

"It is," Yuutarou says which Tobio punches his thigh.

"Rude," Tobio says as crosses his arms across his chest.

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