Inter High

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It's the day before inter-high and Tobio is beyond nervous. He doesn't let it show but there are four boys that knows how nervous he is. So after practice, Tooru and Hajime keeps Tobio back for a few minutes.

"Hey, what's wrong Tobs?" Hajime asks.

"Nervous," Tobio says.

"About what?" Tooru asks.

"I don't want to let you down since you let me be the setter," Tobio says looking down.

"Baby, you're never gonna let me down, I made you the official setter cause you deserve it so no mater what happens, I'm gonna be so proud of you," Tooru says leaning down till he's eye level with Tobio.

Tobio smiles and wraps his arms around Tooru's neck. Tooru wraps his arms around Tobio and stands up with Tobio in his arms.

"Wait, what about Hajime? Will you still be proud of me if I don't do good?" Tobio asks Hajime.

"I'll always be proud of you, no matter what happens I'll be very proud of you," Hajime says.

Tobio smiles and leans over to Hajime. Hajime takes Tobio into his arms and the trio leaves the club room and Tooru locks the door.

"Also Tobio, everybody on the team will be proud of you, even if we don't win," Tooru says walking down the stairs behind Hajime and Tobio.

Tobio smiles and hides his face in Hajime's shoulder. They meet up with the team and Hajime finally decides to put Tobio down. They leave the school and goes to a ramen place they always go to. Tobio reassure that no matter what happens, they will be proud of him no matter what. That calms down Tobio a lot and makes him ready for tomorrow. Everyone goes home and Hajime, Tooru, and Tobio spends the night together. They share some kisses before going to sleep.

The next morning, everyone meets at the school and they get on the bus and goes to the inter high. When they get there, they hear people talking about them and how they look strong. They make it halfway when someone mention their setter. Everyone stops walking and the coaches ask where Tooru is at. Shigeru answers so the coach has Hajime go get him so Hajime leaves with a volleyball.

"Oh boy," Akira mutters.

Tobio, Yuutarou, and Akira are standing in a circle waiting for their captains, when they hear a familiar loud voice.

"You guys, especially you," The orange head said pointing at Tobio.

Tobio yelps as Akira and Yuutarou stands somewhat in front of him.

"What? And who are you?" Tobio asks bluntly.

Akira and Yuutarou laughs as the boy huff out a sigh.

"I'm Soyou Hinata and my team is gonna beat you and I'm especially gonna beat you," Hinata says.

"Well see about that," A new voice says.

Tobio looks behind him and see Tooru and Hajime. They look piss off so Tobio let out a sigh and turns back to Hinata.

"We're gonna beat you and your team," Tobio says while turning away and walk with his team and to their seats.

Hajime and Yuutarou stays by the railing and Tooru and Tobio sit by each other. They watch Karasuno win their first game before they have to go play their first game. They win their first round as well so they get to face Karasuno the next day. They leave the gym and goes back to the gym for a quick meeting. After the meeting they all go home to get prepare for the next round.

Like the night before, the three boyfriends sleep together and prepare themselves for the next round. But Tobio is antsy and cannot sit down for more than two minutes. They would manage to get home to sit down and Tobio will stand up and goes roaming the house. Hajime let out a sigh and falls against the bed, so Tobio decides to lay down on top of him. Hajime wraps his arms around Tobio's waist as Tooru wraps moves closer and wrap his arms around Tobio as well.

"Now sleep," Hajime says.

A couple minutes of silence, they hear quiet snores. They let out a sigh and stare at each other.

"Well that's taken care of," Tooru says.

"Yeah, but I do feel bad for him," Hajime says.

"Yeah, he has bad anxiety, but I'm happy that we can help him when his anxiety kicks in," Tooru says.

"I feel the same way," Hajime says smiling and looking down at his sleeping boyfriend.

"We better get to sleep so we can be ready for tomorrow," Tooru says.

"Yeah we should," Hajime agrees.

They gently move Tobio till he's laying comfortably between them. They make sure Tobio is still asleep, than Hajime leans over Tobio and kisses Tooru before going back to his spot. They both goes to sleep, ready to continue the matches the next day,

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