The Results

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Tobio and Tooru partners up together for some alone practice.

"You can stop staring at me like you don't know what you want to think," Tobio says smiling.

"You look like Akira," Tooru says pouting.

Tobio walks up to him and rests his hands on Tooru's hips.

"That what you guys get for ditching us yesterday," Tobio says with a playful smile.

Tooru smiles back and runs his hands through Tobio's hair.

"Hairspray? Really?" Tooru asks playfully.

"We couldn't keep my hair in the same spot, so we have to put hair spray in so that my hair will stay," Tobio says smiling.

Tooru leans down and kisses Tobio on the lips. Tobio kisses back and wraps his arms around Tooru's neck. Tooru pushes Tobio against the wall and rests his hands on Tobio's waist.

"Oi Shittykawa, stop making out and practice," Hajime says from across the gym.

"You're just jealous," Tooru hollars back.

Which he instantly regret cause Hiime let out a growl and starts to chase Tooru. Tooru picks up Tobio and runs out of the gym with Tobio in his arms. Tobio starts giggling and wraps his arms and legs tightly around Tooru's waist and neck.

"Get back here!" Hajime yells as Tooru runs out of the gym.

"Hey! Give us Tobio!" Yuutarou yells as he runs out of the gym as well.

"I want my twin!" Akira yells as he follows Yuutarou.

"I wanna watch, come on Issei," Takahiro says before he runs out the door with Issei behind him.

They spot Akira and Yuutarou on the outside of the club room. They run up to them and see Hajime banging on the door.

"Open up dumbass," Hajime says.

"Never!" Tooru says.

"Sorry Hajime," Tobio says.

"I have the key," Issei says swinging the key around his finger.

The door open and Tooru runs out of there with Tobio in his arms.

"That idiot!" Hajime says before he chases his boyfriends.

Hajime manages to catch up to his boyfriends so he pulls Tooru's collar which causes Tooru to gag and goes backwards. Tobio is giggling into Tooru's neck which is tickling Tooru's neck. Akira walks in front of Tooru and grabs Tobio and makes sure he has a good grip on Tobio before him and Yuutarou runs away with Tobio.

"HEY!" Tooru and Hajime yells before chasing their underclassmen.

The next day, Tobio walks into the school with his boyfriends and see his best friends leaning against his locker.

"See you at lunch," Hajime kissing Tobio's head.

"See ya Tobio-chan," Tooru says kissing Tobio's lips.

"See ya," Tobio says blushing.

His boyfriends goes their own way and Tobio goes to his friends.

"You three are way to cute," Akira says as he moves out of Tobio's way.

"Thanks," Tobio says blushing harder.

"Awe, you're way to cute," Yuutarou says with a smile.

"Thanks again," Tobio says smiling as he gets his shoes out of his locker.

He put his shoes on and something dawns on him.

"We get our tests back today," Tobio says as he put his other shoe on.

"Fuck, hopefully we pass," Akira says.

"Me too, damn, now I'm gonna be nervous till we get them back," Yuutarou says.

"Same here," Tobio says as he put his other shoes in his locker.

They go to class and wait for the tests results.

They are the last ones to the gym and they don't look happy. Tooru notices then and watch them warm up. By the time they warm up, the others are worried for their kowhais. So they walk up to them and stare till Hajime breaks the silence.

"What's wrong?" Hajime asks crossing his arms.

"Well we got our test results back," Tobio says looking down at his shoes.

"Wait, you three didn't pass?" Tooru asks pouting.

Tobio walks away from them and dig through is gym bag for his test results.

"Akira and I passed," Yuutarou says showing them his paper along with Akira.

"And here's mine," Tobio says handing Tooru the test face down.

Tooru takes the paper from Tobio and Tobio bolts out of the gym. Tooru stares at the paper and know they all was just fool by their kowhai.

"That little brat passed, TOBIO KAGEYAMA GET YOU ASS BACK HERE!" Tooru yells with a huge smile on his face.

He hears commotion outside so he runs outside and what he see makes his blood run cold.

After Tobio runs out of the gym with a smile on his face, he leans against the gym. He waits for Tooru to realize that he had pass when one boy from Tooru's class walk up to him.

"Now why is a little cutie like yourself here all alone?" He asks.

"Cause I can," Tobio responds.

Clearly the older boy didn't like cause he grips Tobio's neck and slams him against the wall of the gym. Tobio starts to gasp for breath and tries to claw the older's boy wrist. Everything happens so fast and the next thing Tobio knows is that he's on Tooru's arms as Hajime had the other boy pinned to the wall.

"Awe, here to protect your little play boy?" He taunts Hajime.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," Akira warns.

The older doesn't listen and continues to taunt Hajime. Hajime has enough and punch the boy in the face.

"Mess with my boyfriend again, I will do more than punch your ugly, stupid face," Hajime growls out before letting the boy go.

The boy runs away and Hajime turns to his youngest boyfriend.

"Are you okay baby?" Hajime asks.

"Yeah," Tobio says smiling.

"Good," Hajime says kissing Tobio's nose.

"And congrats on passing your tests," Tooru says hugging Tobio tighter.

Tobio giggles and leans into Tooru's touch.

"Why can't we be that cute," Takahiro whines to Issei.

Everyone chuckles and goes back to the gym for practice. Tobio grabs onto Hajime's wrist and brings him back to him and Tooru.

"What's up?" Hajime asks.

Tobio doesn't say anything but pushes Hajime against the gym wall and leans in to kiss him. Hajime eyes widen for a second but he closes his eyes and rests his hands on Tobio's slim waist. Tooru walks behind Tobio and wraps his arms around Tobio's waist and starts kissing his neck and all the skin he can reach.

"Stop making out and come practice," Akira says from the door.

"You're no fun Aki," Tobio whines.

"Yeah yeah, now come on so we can work on your new serve," Akira says.

Tobio follows Akira in as his boyfriends follows Tobio in. Tooru and Tobio goes to the end of the court and starts practicing serves.

"We got a new weapon and that's for sure," Akira says as he watch Tobio.

"That's for sure," Hajime says smirking.

"The other teams have no idea what is going to happen to them," Yuutarou says crossing his arms.

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