veterinarian and names

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(y/n)'s POV:

I woke up feeling a weight on my chest. Looking down I see a dome, I lift up my blanket to see what's underneath and discover the same blonde cat who's living the life while I was washing it. I can't move by the way and it's not because of the back pain but because the cat is sleeping.

Ahem! Rule numbar uno! If a cat is sleeping on you. You DO NOT move! Ever.

So for a solid ten minutes, I layed there staring at the ceiling, having a life crisis, lol I didn't, until I feel its little head lift up and yawn. With droppy eyes, the cat looks at me with its pretty purple eyes, I rub its head, "Good morning buddy." The cat then lift its head even further up and lick my nose which made me giggle. The cat then nuzzle against my cheek.

Aaah the floof.

A sharp meow was heard, I hold the cat while sitting up and at the doorway of my bedroom sat a blonde cat with blue streaks. Why are there so many blonde cats?.....Anyways, the cat glare at us but it seems more aimed at me, then the cat meow again keeping that same tone. The cat in my arms meow back and then jumps out of my arms bouncing his way towards the other cat. As soon as the giddy cat disappear, the cat with blue streaks squints at me before leaving as well.

Looks like I've made myself another enemy.

Looking at the time, I sigh before getting out of bed and stretch out my body, "Welp, a long day awaits."

After my morning routine and getting dressed, I walk into the living room to see the cats up and about. When they notice me though they immediately began meowing and bound up to me, "Top of the morning y'all, if it's food you're looking for then worry not cause spidergal gotcha!" I then walk up to a cabinet where I put away the cat food.

Wonder why I put it there? Cause I don't trust that blonde cat with black eyes, it kept staring at the bag of food even after eating a lot. So no way will I leave it out anywhere visible.

Okay, back to the subject.

After feeding them, I was glad I'm able to salvage just enough for tonight but man I'll have to run to the store again. My poor wallet...

I bring the cardboard box in the living room and without warning I pick them up two at a time with quick and nimble hands and I settle them inside the box. Immediately they start to hiss at each other and cry out loudly, "Okay I get you guys have some beef with each other but if you guys behave right now, we can get this done and over with. Is that clear?" Some of them meow. I sigh and then effortlessly pick up the box full of cats. Suddenly, the black lanky cat jump out and onto my shoulders. The cat then just make itself comfortable, wrapping around my neck, "You don't want to be with your friends?" A small meow was heard, "Looks like you won't be getting off anytime soon, make yourself at home I guess."

"(Y/n), it's good to see ya!" I heard as I enter the vet clinic, "It's good to see you too Mr. Darius, how's business?"

"Oh it's booming as usual. So what you got there?"

"I found these guys right infront of my door. I have no idea how they got there or who left them." I put the box onto the ground, "So I just decided to adopt them."

"There are 22 of them."


"And you're gonna take care of all of them." Mr. Darius gently rub the cat's chin on my shoulders.


"....Will you be okay with that?"


"Are you sure? Taking care of them will be very expensive considering you have 22 cats. You can always leave some with me until someone adopts them, it'll lessen the burden."

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