A father's worry

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(y/n)'s POV:

"See ya this saturday!" I bid farewell to my coworker and start my walk back home. Since it was pretty warm tonight I didn't bother wearing my bomber jacket, so I just left it in my backpack. Although, I was still wearing my hoodie, cause why the fuck not? About 5 minutes nof walking, I stop by a red light. As I waited, I suddenly sense something was wrong.

As if everything was moving in slow motion, my eyes followed a car. Inside was a man driving but at the back I saw a teenage girl writing "HELP" on the window and everything was back to normal speed with the car dashing by.

My body quickly dives into action and I run to a nearby alleyway. Since it was already so dark, I didn't bother to completely change and settle with only a mask. Swiftly strapping on the shooters. As soon it was on, I swinging right behind the car.

After tailing the car for about 10 minutes, the car take a turn to a secluded neighborhood. The man parked the car and soon came out to grab the girl at the back, pulling her towards a door located in the alleyway.

I land on the same building he went in, I set my backpack down and then I look for an already open or broken window. Once I found it, I quietly crawl in and from the darkness I watch for the right moment to strike. Some time later, three man emerges from the same door the kidnapper just enters from. I watch as they interact with one another. Eventually, they exchange the girl with the case of money and the kidnapper begin to make his way to the door.

Time to make my appearance.

I jump down and land infront of the kidnapper which caught the three man's attention, "Playtime is over big guy!" The kidnapper snapped out of his stupor and charges at me and swing his case at my head to which I duck down. I sweep his legs, "Oops, don't fall." he fell down hitting his head on the ground which effectively puts him in a daze. Then, two of the three came at me. The fat guy came charge at me, going for a tackle but I quickly shot a ball of web to his eyes, blinding him and make him tumble to the ground, "Watch where you're going!" I then dodge a knife. Grabbing the arm with the knife, I squeeze hard which cause him to let it go. He goes for a punch with his free hand but I caught it, "Sorry to say this man but mange plus mon pote, t'es maigre." He got angry and breaks free from my hold, which I let it happen. He goes for a straight to which I dodge to my right at the same time as I caught him with a short left hook. He immediately fell to the ground, "Damn, man got a glass chin." I mutter under my breath. Immediately, my body dodge an incoming bullet from the last guy with the girl. I get closer to him while simultaneously dodging every bullet. The guy shove the girl away so he could use both hand for a better aim but just as he pulled the trigger, I shove his arms to the air redirecting the course of the bullet. I quickly hit his throat and he choke, dropping the gun in the process. Finally, I knock him out.

I jog over to the fallen teen and crouch infront of her, "Are you ok?" She nods as tears slid down her face, "Y-Yes......Thank you so much spiderwoman." I lay a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "No problem. Are you carrying a phone with you? You should call the cops while they're still unconscious." While she explains to me that her kidnapper took her away her phone, I sense movement behind me. Without wasting a second, I hug the girl, covering the girl from a bullet that soon lodge in my left shoulder. I wince in pain. "Spiderwoman!" the girl yelled in worry. I then hear a gun cocking, "You don't move or you know what's gonna happen." I comply. Suddenly, he punch me across the face making my head whip to the side. As I slowly lift my head up, the man was already holding the girl against him by her throat and walking backward with the gun still pointed at me.

Unexpectedly, the girl bite the hand that was holding her throat and it was the perfect distraction for me to quickly take away his gun with my web. The girl then elbows him on the stomach and broke free. He lift his hand to shoot at her only to notice his gun was gone. Shooting a web to the ceiling, I swing towards him, ignoring the pain on my left shoulder, and kick him to a wall. After I landed, I shot one after another multiple balls of webs and soon he was completely trapped. I let out a sigh while grabbing my throbbing shoulder as I walk over the now less dazed kidnapper, "Hey." his head whip so fast I thought he broke it. "Mind giving back her phone? Or do you want another round?" He reach inside his jacket and soon hand me the phone, "Thanks! And don't move buddy. Cause I'll know." he rapidly nods. I make my way back to the girl and gave her back her phone, "Are you alright?! I-I-I can call the ambulance as well!" I proceed to crouch and then pat her head, "Don't worry about me. I've dealt with worse." I then gave her a thumbs up, "Actually, you stole the spotlight tonight!" She bashfully mutter under her breath, "I didn't do much.....and I almost got you killed as well..." I weakly chuckle, "Of course you did! If you didn't bit him, he could've took you away! He also could've been a hypocrite and shoot me anyways. So, honestly, you saved me!" She was at lost for words. I stand up and look at the criminals scattered all over, "Welp! First gotta gather them up and then go!" So, I went and gather the rest, binding them together with webs. I look back at the girl, "Take care! From yours truly, your friendly neighborhood spiderwoman!" Before the girl can say anything else, I was gone.

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