Secret identity: Revealed

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3dr person POV:

For some time, the gang were sleeping peacefully but were then startled awake by a noise from the front door. "What the hell was that?!" Baji yelled. They all looked around and noticed (y/n) was gone. 'She must be in her room.' They thought. "Someone is trying to open the door." Kakuchou stated. "Yeah no shit!" Kazutora said. The doorknob starts to turn, they all became alert. Was it an intruder? All of their fur stood up as they waited ready to fight off the intruder despite being hurt themselves. They will protect (y/n) after everything she did for them.

The door slowly and dramatically  opens. And behind that door was.
"Oh, it's Jason." Yuzuha stated.

They all instantly relax but still gave him judgmental eyes. "What is he doing here though?" Koko wondered.

Jaosn soon noticed them, he raise a finger to his grinning mouth, "Shhh, I'm gonna surprise (y/n)." but they looked at him suspiciously. "Sheesh (y/n), I swear your cats are truly weird. C'mon guys she gave me a key to her apartment, cause she said I'm technically her brother." He truthfully tells them while keeping his voice to a minimum since he doesn't want (y/n) to know he's there. "Anyways, imma go spook her. You guys are free to join." Then he proceeds to quietly makes his way towards her room.

"Should we stop him?" Mitsuya asked Mikey. "Don't, I want to see what's gonna happen!" Hanma replied instead as he gallops after Jason. It took Takemichi a couple of seconds to register what he said, 'Surprise (y/n)? But she's-' then he suddenly remembered before he went to sleep he heard sirens. It immediately clicks in his head. Jason can't go to her room!

Takemichi quickly run after Jason, "Whoa! Takemichi what are you doing?!" He heard Hakkai said but ignores it as he then stopped Jason and Hanma midway and hiss at them, 'I can't let them find out about her identity.' The more they tried to step forward the more Takemichi hiss, "Man, you really don't like me do you?" Jason said with a pout. "What do you think you're doing? Still wanna fight? Cause I can do that all day." Hanma said as he approaches Takemichi but Takemichi ain't taking no crap from anybody, he doesn't hesitate to give a warning swipe, "Stay away from her room!" Other started to approach as well, except for Angry since he wanted to stay back and look after his brother, "Did you got a stick up your ass Takemichi? Just let them pass. What's the big deal?" Draken said. Takemichi doesn't care if he has to fight off everybody because nobody can't discover about (y/n) secret identity, "You can't! You can't go to her room!" Ran than jokingly said, "Oho~ Someone's being territorial.~" Takemichi blush, "N-no! It's not that!-" Someone he didn't expect stood infront of him with his back facing him, "I still hate your gut Takemichi, but he's right, you can't go in there, it's for her sake." Kisaki said, although the first part was directed at Takemichi. "What's this Kisaki?~ Why the sudden change?~" Hanma inquire but Kisaki stayed silent. "We don't care whatever you're saying, Kisaki." Chifuyu said with a glare. "You're on his side Takemichi? Are you betraying us?" Mikey asked. Takemichi panics, "No! I wouldn't never-" but suddenly he was scooped up by none other than Jason, "Don't worry!~ It's sweet that you care so much for her but trust me, it's only a small scare. Now forward we go!" then Jason continue his way to her room. After seeing Takemichi big fuss, they were now all curious. "Geez why's he making such a big fuss over her room?" Rindou questions, "We're about to find out.~" Ran said in excitement.

When they finally got there. They were stunned. Infront of them (y/n) is closing her window then after that she took off her mask with a huff, "Finally, I can sleep." she said as she turns around only to be met with Jason and her cats. Her, Jason and her cats all stood there with their jaws dropping to the floor. Jason then accidentally dropped Takemichi to which he fortunately landed on his feet. Takemichi looks at the both of them very nervous on what's about to occur. Then finally the silence was broken by (y/n), "Jason, it is not what you think-" Jason cuts her off with both hands on his head along with an excited smile, "Not what I think? It's exactly what I think it is! You're spiderwoman! *Gasp* My best friend is spiderwoman!" he then covers his mouth. She once again tried to convince him, "No! No! I'm not spiderwoman! It's just a coincidence!" Jason then points out,
"But you look exactly just like how they describe you in the internet! Like that mask! And those web shooters as well!" She then quickly throws them somewhere, "Ah, these? Psh, they're just toys-" unfortunately for (y/n), one of her web shooter landed on the trigger which shot a web to her chair. Jason and (Y/n) both looks at it. (Y/n) bit her lips, then finally admits it, "Yes. I'm spiderwoman." Jason starts fanboying, "Holy fucking shit, I just met THE spiderwoman! Plus she's my best friend! I feel so blessed!" (Y/n) then begs him in a hurry, "Please don't tell anyone about!" Jason then puffs his chest, "Gurl I gotchu." (Y/n) approach him, stretching out a hand, "Promise?" Jason reply with a smirk, "Promise." (Y/n) gave a small smile as they did their handshake.

"I have so many questions for you

"Sure but first get the fuck out, I need to change."

Meanwhile, the boys and girls were still in shock about what they've discovered, "(Y/n)-chin is spiderwoman?" Mikey said more so to himself. "Is that why you've been trying to stop us?" Koko asked. "...Yes-" Takemichi then gets cut off by Izana whose face suddenly appears in his line of vision, "For how long did you knew? Does Kisaki knows as well? He did defend you." Takemichi looks at Izana for a moment and then look at the others who were expecting an answer from him, then his eyes meet with Kisaki. Kisaki curtly nods his head, "....Yes...Me and Kisaki knew of her secret identity. Since the day you guys were messing with her phone." Takemichi then close his eyes expecting to get hit if it's not the answer Izana wanted to hear, but nothing came. Instead, when he opened his eyes, Izana was already making his way back into the living room. Chifuyu approach him, "Why didn't you tell me anything, Takemichi?" Takemichi looks down in shame, "I wanted to but....I don't know how to bring it up. So, I just kept quiet." Chifuyu sigh, "Anyways, what's up with Kisaki? He doesn't seem like his usual self." Takemichi then reply with a small smile, "Let's just say, he's changing for the better." Chifuyu didn't said anything but only gave him an incredulous look.

(Y/n)'s POV:

"So-" I said as I sit down on the couch beside Jason, "-what do you want to ask?"

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