Other side of the story

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3dr person POV:

Takemichi open his eyes to see darkness, "Huh? Why is it so dark?"

"Takemitchy?" Takemichi turn his head towards the voice, "Mikey? Where are you?" When he decided to walk where Mikey supposed to be he stepped on something, "Ow! Hey watch it!" That was Draken's voice, "Ah! I'm sorry Draken!" Takemichi then notice something strange, he can't move his fingers and there was something connecting to his tailbone but it was too dark to see. "You guys are here too?"

Takemichi respond to the new voice, "Mitsuya!" Since he can't see, he doesn't realize that Hakkai was beside Mitsuya.

"Hey Takemichi." Mitsuya greeted. Then they heard multiple groaning.

"Man whys is it so stuffy in here?!" That was Baji. "Baji, you're here too?" Mikey asked. "Not just him apparently I think almost all of Toman's division captains and vice captains are here." Chifuyu said. "Do you guys remember when did this happened or how we got in such a dark place?" Draken asked. "All I remember is Me, Takemichi, Angry and Smiley facing a bunch of members from Tenjiku before everything went dark." Chifuyu replied and then multiple voices the same experience. "Btw do guys feel anything odd? Like your body doesn't feel right." Takemichi asked the big question. "..... I'm afraid that we've became.." Chifuyu started. "Became?" Takemichi repeated. "....Cats.." It took a moment for the words to sink in until Takemichi burst in bewilderment, "C-c-c-cats?!" The others eyes widen after hearing the revelation and some voice their disbelief.

Then a new voice cut in, "Well well well, fancy to see all of you here.~" They all recognize that voice, "Hanma.." Draken said his name in disdain. "Now this has turned into something unexpected. Don't you think so Rindou." The Haitani brother were here as well. "I didn't expect we'll come face to face this soon, ne Mikey." Izana said. "You sure you want to go? You're heavily outnumbered, Izana." Izana cackle, "That doesn't matter as long as I get to spill your blood." They all get prepared, then they let out a loud cry, then suddenly, a bright light came shining down.

They all look up to meet with beautiful eyes filled with confusion.
They stare at each for a while longer before they see her peak her head out of the door to look down the hallway, "Hey Doll. Down here." Hanma said as he stood on his hind legs to peak his head out and their eyes meet for a moment, then she double check again before crouching down infront of Hanma, "Now how did y'all get here?" She reach out a hand and he sniff her hand before rubbing his head against it, 'She smells nice.' When she proceed to rub his head even more, he closes his eyes as he melted, 'Ah this feels nice.'

"Oi Hanma, what the hell are you doing?" Kisaki's voice brought her attention back to them, "My gosh there's a lot of y'all." Then she made a comment about her dad before the box was lifted which causes some chaos inside the box.

"Whoa! What's going on?!"

"Ow! Baji your fatass is crushing my tail!"

"Ken-chin I'm hungry."

"Get away from me you fucking zombie!"


"Hina! Are you ok?!"

"Haha! This is fun!"

They were soon brought to the living room and as soon as the box hits the ground, Hanma immediately jump out first and start to explore, "Well aren't you full energy." He pays no mind to her comment as he kept exploring, seemingly finding it very exciting. Soon enough, they were all out of the box. There were separated into two groups.

First group: Toman, 15 members

Second group: Tenjiku, 7 members

It's funny how the table have turned in terms of number.

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