Bad timing

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Jason's POV:

Two weeks. It has been two weeks since (y/n) died. I still can't......believe that she's dead. (Y/n), my best friend, my twin, is.....gone. She no longer would be able to do any of the fun stuffs she wanted to do nor would she be able to finish high school along with me, and school is actually gonna start in a couple more weeks. Additionally, I don't know how I'd brig this up to Mr. Darius. What would be his reaction? Most likely shock.

I sit on my bed with an empty beer beer can in hand, I can feel a void in my chest.  I didn't care if I'm basically still underage since my birthday was around the corner anyways. Gritting my teeth I crush the can before chucking it towards my bedroom wall. The can bounced off the wall and into a picture frame making it fall flat onto its surface. I grumble in frustration as I begrudgingly get up to walk over the fallen picture and pick it up to put it back in its initial position. Although before I get to do that, I caught the image inside the picture frame that taken by Mr. Parker a long time ago.

It shows the two of us in our graduation gown, freshly graduated from primary school. There I was picking up (y/n) in an embrace while she has an arm around my neck for support as the other was already holding onto the graduation hat in the air.



"Oh my god we graduated Jason!" (y/n) childish voice  excitedly exclaimed as she bounce in place. I widely smile as I nod in agreement, "We're going to level up!" at that statement, they both lift their arms into the air while cheering.

Then, our parents came, "Félicitations ma chérie!" (y/n)'s mom said as she then brought her into an embrace while giving her kisses all over her face which made (y/n) giggle. After that, it was Mr. Parker turn to congratulate her as he picks her up high into the air and spins.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Well done, Jason." I smile up at my dad as he softly smile down at me, "I'm so proud of you." my mom said as she pinches my cheek, "Thank you mom!" 

I notice Mr. Parker approaching us, "Excuse me, if it doesn't bother you. Would you mind if I take a picture of him with our daughter?" he politely asked while (y/n) stood just right behind him with a goofy smile, "No, not at all." my mom giggles as she says that and then my dad ushers me forward, "Go on Jason." with that I run toward (y/n) and once I got close to her I embrace her and sweep her off the ground with a laugh. She laugh as well and because I abruptly picked her up her hat almost fell, thus it was the reason she took it and soon waves it into the air, "We are victoriouuuuus!!!" she yells.

Mr. Parker felt that it was perfect, so he decided to capture that memory to be kept forever.



..............Hey, you guys, if I'm not crazy......are you all really there?........Because if you are than please........please tell me that she's still alive somewhere......c'mon guys.......I need to know....please...

My face contort into sorrow when I got no answer. I clench the picture frame as I feel a knot forming in my throat. I brought it to my forehead, then a tear slid down my cheek. Finally, the knot in my throat came undone and I begin to cry.



The park is void of people. Though, the only people there are me and the gang as the other people are currently mourning the lost of spiderwoman. And they are mourning for spiderwoman specifically, not (y/n). The only ones who are truly mourning for her are me and the gang. this point it's more like her gang.

I sit at the top of the slide with my hands together resting on top of my knees as I observe the others who are scattered around the park, whether it'd be sitting or leaning against something. The air is gloomy and simply sad.

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