Daaaamn Jason

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(y/n)'s POV:

"(Y/n)." Jason said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

His head turn sideway and our gaze meet, "You don't need to flex on me that hard you know." Jason deadpanned, referring to me sticking on my bedroom wall, laying on it upside down with my head level to his. "But I'm booored! Plus I can't use my hands for anything! Also I'm pretty comfortably here anyways." I shrug at the end. "Anyways, I'm getting a feeling of déjà vu with this little guy." Jason said as our gaze trail over to Mikey 2.0, who sat infront of us with a dead stare. A chuckle burst out from me, "Haha, I remembered it happened last time you first met them. It was funny cause it looks like you were a human sacrifice." I humored. Jason shivered, "You don't understand how creepy it is to be surrounded like that."

"Bold of you to claim that I don't know how that felt like." I said while lightly bonking his head with my elbow. Then, I hear a meow. My eyes widen as a giddy smile appeared on my face. That's the first time Mikey 2.0 meowed! "What's up? You hungry?" I asked to which he softly meowed again before he walks over to the door. He momentarily stopped to look back at us as if asking "you coming or what?" Me and Jason look at each other. Jason then gets up first while I jerk my body backward to do a semi-backflip, effortlessly landing on my feet, then follow right behind him. 

On our way down, we bump into Shinichiro and he happily greeted us but oddly enough Mikey 2.0 doesn't return the gesture which made me raise a brow. It was like he purposely ignored Shinichiro. The Mikey I know spent almost every hours of the day talking with Shinichiro along with Izana, Emma, Baji and Emma. On that note, I also discovered that Senju and Takeomi are Sanzu's siblings. Sanzu doesn't exactly get along with them.

Shinichiro paws my leg, "Hey Shinichiro." I bend down just enough to peck him on top of his head to which he chirpily meowed. He then follows us as we continue marching towards the kitchen, where Mikey 2.0 sat there waiting for us or more specifically me.

So, you may wonder, where are the others? Well my dear readers, they're out running errands or working at the moment.

Anyways, Jason poured cat food into a bowl and set it down next to Mikey. He looks at it before his gaze met mine. I blinked at him a few times before squatting down, "What's wrong?" I asked him. He lift a paw and rest it on my hand, I immediately understood what he meant, "I can't feed you Mikey. My hands are jacked up." still he never remove his paw and when I do try to move away he'd still hang on with his claws. It wasn't until Shinichiro said something that Mikey 2.0 eventually let go and eat his food. I reach over and very cautiously brush the back of my hand on top of his head, ready to pull back if he ever decide to swipe at me. Fortunately, he didn't. A smile unconsciously made its way on my face. "Croissant, you want anything to eat?" Jason asked me while rummaging through the fridge, "A strawberry smoothie sounds good to me Jason Momoa." I stop petting Mikey 2.0 and stood up, watching Jason getting out the ingredients. Then a wheeze slip past my lips, "Jason, why the fuck are you the knife like as if you're about to murder someone? Like damn man chill your grip. " Jason looks at the knife in his hand before bursting out laughing. Then, he looks at me with a smirk and slowly approach me while twirling the knife. "Oy! Don't you fucking dare!" I said all the while unable to keep my laughter at bay, "What you mean? I'm just showing you my awesome knife skills.~" he said as his knife twirling intensifies, waving it around like he's in star wars, "Jason stop! BITCH STOP!!" I exasperatedly exclaimed now having both forearms up to shield myself from Jason's possible fuck up. Y'know like what if the knife flew off of its handle. Jason eventually stop but it was also due to Wakasa growling that made him stopped. 

Now Jason is actually starting to make the beverage. Meanwhile, I felt a little fella climbing their way onto my shoulders, I slightly tilted my head to see Senju, she happily meows at me then rubs her head against my cheek. My attention was brought back to Jason when I heard him suddenly exclaim, "Ayt! This is how you make your own strawberry smoothie 101! (Y/n)! Watch and learn from the masterchef  himself!" 

"Boi, don't think I still haven't forgotten about that time you mistook sugar for salt." I wittily said and all of a sudden Jason became quiet. He then points at me, "We don't talk about that." I jokingly pout, " Why must you be so saaalty?" Jason then said, mimicking my tone, "And why are you rubbing more salt into my wooounds?" I shrug with a shit-eating grin, "Because it's saltisfying.~" Jason looks at me with a "really" look while I wiggle my eyebrows at him. He then shook his head as a smile slowly crept up his face. We soon end up laughing.

"Alright! Alright! We're off topic! Anyways, here's how you do it. Step 1 : Cut this bitch up." he then proceed to cut away the calix of the strawberries, "Step 2 : add them into the blender." Jason drops them in like the salt guy meme. 

Wakasa eventually joins in as he stood on his hind legs, his arms lay on top of the kitchen counter. Those who were on the floor, climbed up on Wakasa's back and onto the kitchen counter, then we all watch, clearly entertained. 

"Step 3 : add some milk that you must specifically get from the milky way. So yes you have to go to space." as he was about to add the milk, I asked him a question, "You know how much milk you're gonna pour in?" Jason bit his bottom lip, my body shook as I try to hold back a laugh, "No BUT like I said, it's a DIY smoothie. So it doesn't matter how much you add. But since we're talking about you. Imma put lots of milk so you can grow even taller AND your bones will be durable!" he said while pouring the milk into the blender, "Hahaha." I sarcastically said. "Alright! With that done, all you need to do now is blend together!" Jason puts the lid on and press on the start button. Only for nothing to happen. Meanwhile Jason tries to figure out what went wrong, my body shook until it is no longer able to hold in my laughter. "*Trying to catch breath* Jason  haha the cable isn't plugged in." with that said I continue laughing but no sound came out. Jason cursed as he finally plug it in and start blending, "This is mentally more exhausting than it should be." Jason expressed with a chuckle at the end. Once it's all mixed up, he pours it into a glass and adds a straw. I take a sip, "How's it?" he inquired, I nod with a goofy smile, "It's berry good masterchef Jason Momoa." Jason puts a hand on his chest, "Oh you flatter me! You have berryly seen my other outstanding cooking skills!"

We share a laugh together. 

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