A silly thought

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Happy new year everyone!

Be ready y'all 😏

(y/n)'s POV:

It turns out that during the week that I was gone because of my dad's death I almost got fired from my job. My coworkers told me the reason for it was because the boss was already unhappy when he visited the café and then there was my absence. Luckily, my coworker manage to convince him not to fire me by explaining my current circumstances. She even told me he begrudgingly let me off the hook.

I swear he needs a fucking chill pill. Like c'mon man ya got something up your ass? I bet it was a dick.

Alright, sorry about that guys. Anyways back to the present.


I quickly dodge the many bullet zipping pass me as I then stick myself to a wall, "That's not a nice way to greet someone-" I swiftly dodge another incoming wave of bullets. When I heard their guns running out of gas, I shot my webs on either side and catapult myself to them and kicking one of them in the face. After he fell down unconscious and I landed, I immediately duck down from a AK-47 gun swinging at me. I grab his arm and belt, I threw him towards another guy who was reloading his gun, "Sorry, no homerun this time." After they were either knock out or groaning in pain, I took away their guns and stick it onto a wall with the help of my web. "You probably would've a higher chance of intimidating me if you use a gun that cost 2$." I said in a matter of fact way. I then leave the rest for the cops outside of the big bank.

After the criminals were taken away. I swung down towards the window to the café's locker room and climbed in. Then, I quickly change before getting back to work, pretending as if everything is normal. "You took your time in the bathroom." my coworker commented as she prepare a customer's order. "Yeah, sorry about that, guess I must've ate something bad." I said as I walk by Luigi, then I felt a weigh on my shoulders to which I immediately knew it was Luigi. I reach a hand up and scratch behind his ear as I look around for Mario and soon found him getting pet by some lady customer. Luigi meows, "Want to go home? Don't worry, I'll be done in 30 minutes. You can sleep if you want." after that I gave him a kiss on the side of his little head to which he meows.

Luigi drift into slumber as I continue my shift meanwhile Mario kept being slick by charming the ladies so he can get food. What a smooth cat.

Finally finished with work, I got back home and soon enter my apartment while letting Mario and Luigi down, "Dad! I'm home!-" then, I quickly realized that he was no longer here. My mood immediately became grim but then I felt something poking my leg and looked down to see Bolt with Dragon beside him. A small smile grace my face as I crouch down to greet the both of them, "I'm back. Ya miss me? Hehe." Bolt meows. I'll take it as a yes. I chuckle as I pet both of them, Bolt would nuzzle his face deeper into my hand and Dragon licked the palm of my hand.

I went to greet my other cats but then Smiley pounce on me playfully swiping at my feet as he meows. A small lopsided grin appears and soon I crouch down, "You think you can defeat the great dark lord of the underworld?!" as I try to grab ahold of him while he dodges and returns the action, I then hear multiple meows and as I look up, my face was met with something soft and then I felt myself falling backward. After falling onto my back, whoever was on my face moved away and I finally get to see that it was, "Cotton?" he meows. Then, suddenly I felt myself being engulfed by my cats as they would pounce, nip or pull on my clothes. I playfully fought my way back to my knees, "No amount of efforts you put in will take me down!" I then grab Velvet and hold her against me, "I now have a hostage. Don't think I'll easily give her back. Because the only way would be to take me down!" then I do my award winning evil laugh. They began circling around me, "Oho? I see you have chosen. Death."

Sucks for me because I spoke too soon. They went full assault of me. Basically, to sum it up, while I was distracted by those who were present, I got sneak attack by Cotton from behind and he soon starts nipping at my ear which immediately made my face red. Each time I'd shake one off another would replace the recent. It went on until, "I give! I give!" I surrender to my wicked cats. Bolt looks hella fucking proud. "As promised. Since you brave soldiers have had defeated me. I shall return the hostage." but before I place her down, I gave her a quick peck to the side of her head. Once she was on the floor Braveheart came up to her and rub head with her.

Too much, it's too much for my poor heart.

After, showering, feeding my cats and getting something for myself as well. We all watched a couple episode of (insert anime) and then later on the lights were out.

I lay staring at the ceiling of my room. It's happening again. I can't sleep. I just.....miss him so much. This place feels empty without him.

"Meow." I turn my head sideways to see Mr. Fluff at my doorway. I sat up, resting my back against the wall behind me, "Hey Mr. Fluff." I softly said as I pat my lap to which he swiftly made his way to, sitting face to face. I sigh, "I'm still having a hard time sleeping. Cause I feel like everytime I close my eyes, I'll see his face again, y'know?" holding his little head between my hands, I ran my thumbs across his cheeks, "I mean, it's definitely not the first time I've experienced this since I also lost my mom but y'know.....it suck still." The movement of thumb stop as I look into his eyes, "Despite all that, I've been able to cope with it thanks to you guys but-" I fondly smile, "- I have to thank you the most. You were always there for me, making sure I didn't lose my shit. Although during those dark days felt so lonely and suffocating, your presence alone made me feel like there's some hope left for me y'know?" Mr. Fluff eyes widen and then he looks down. I chuckled then decided to kiss him on the top of his head before going to bed  but I have one weird thought and it will sound cheesy.

But what if I kiss him and he turns into a human? Like in that Disney movie y'know.

With that cheesy thought in mind I went to peck him on top of his head but then Mr. Fluff raise his head up that I ended up pecking the front of his mouth. A small giggle burst out, "Ohoho! You sneaky little thing! Trying to steal a kiss from me huh?" I said as I rub my forehead against his. After much pampering, I lift and place him on the bed as I proceed to lay down to get actually get some sleep. Mr. Fluff lays down infront of my face and for a moment we stare at each other. I raise an arm and pulled him closer to my chest, "Goodnight Mr. Fluff." I hear a soft meow from him and soon I drifted off into dreamland.

I gently breath in and out as I hug my pillow closer to me, digging my face into it. Wait I have two pillows? Wait, of course not, gosh I'm a dumbass it's probably Mr. Fluff. I ran my hand up to Mr. Fluff's head. Now this is a different kind of soft. Man, I feel so warm right now.
Why does Mr. Fluff feels meatier than usual?

My eyes flutters open and they adjust to meet with a bare tanned chest. I froze. I slowly look up to meet with widen beautiful orchid eyes of a beautiful man whom I don't even fucking know. We both stared at one another. A wide fond smile grace his face as he raise a hand to my cheek, "I can't believe this....I can finally touch you."

The shock was too great that I forgot how to react.

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