Other side of the story pt.12 : Oh look, she's on TV!

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Wakasa's POV:

I felt someone poking my nose. My face scrunch up in annoyance. Who the fuck dares to wake me up in the middle of my sleep? As my eyes opened, it turns out it was Shinichiro's little sister, Emma, who woke me up, "Ah! Sorry Wakasa! I didn't wanted to wake you up like this originally but...ahaha I can't help myself." she said while scratching hee cheek. I blink at her a couple of times before she spoke again, "Ano, can you help me wake (y/n) up?"


I then felt movement on my torso. As I lift my head to peer at what it was and when my eyes landed on her, that was when I recall memories of last night.

So, everything is real afterall....

I observe as (y/n) snuggle her face deeper into my fur. "I've been trying to get her to wake up for the past 5 minutes but she hasn't shown any signs of being awake." Emma said with her brows furrowed as she eyed (y/n), her tail swishing back and forth in agitation. Curious, I move my tail towards (y/n)'s face and proceed to lightly brush it over her nose to see what would happen, "Oi, wake up." but she only grumbles and swap my tail away and went back into snuggling my fur. I tried again and the end result was the same. I turn my head towards Emma to see if she has any other bright ideas. Emma held her chin in thought, then her face lit up as she snaps her fingers, "Aha! Try to roar Wakasa! Like how you did it last night!" I sweatdrop at her enthusiasm, "You sure it'll work?" I asked, doubting it'll actually work, "I am 100% sure!" Emma shot a confident smile. "Wouldn't that disturb the others?" I inquire, "No worries! They're already awake." Emma reassured me.

Alright, here goes nothing.

I prepared myself then proceed to loudly roar. Just as soon as I roared, the weight I felt on me was immediately gone. I turn my head to see what was her reaction but noticed that she was completely gone.

What the? Where did she go?

I twist my head back to Emma to see if she has any idea where (y/n) might be and see her staring up. I followed her gaze towards the ceiling and my eyes widen in pure shock.

How is she sticking on the ceiling?!

(Y/n) tilted her head up to stare down at us with furrowed brows but it soon came undone upon seeing Emma, "Geez! You slept like a rock! I had to ask Wakasa to roar to wake you up!" she said with crossed arms. (Y/n) then jumps back down and then hugs Emma to which she returns the gesture. They exchange words before Emma kissed her on the temple, mildly surprising me, and soon left.

Meanwhile, I'm left with questions.
Doesn't she like Draken? What happened to that? What kind of relationship do they have? Guess I'll find out later.

I stretch my body after a long night sleep, feeling my muscles stretching out in a pleasant way. After that was done, I walk up beside her, "Oi, how did you do that?" I asked her expectantly, she only shot me a lazy smile, "I can't speak cat my dude but good mornin' to you to buddy."

Damn it. We can't understand each other.

I then felt a pleasant sensation on top of my head and I soon realized she had just petted me. I stare dumbfounded as she leaves her room. Snapping out of my daze, I quickly followed her. I need to get to the bottom of this. Just....what the hell is she?

3dr person POV:

Shinichiro, Benkei and Senju stares at the Flat screen TV in pure awed while Takeomi looks at them with a sweatdrop, "This is not a dream right?" Shinichiro said to no one in particular, "I honestly don't think it is Shinichiro." Senju said, "...I kind of don't want to go back now." Benkei bluntly stated as Shinichiro and Senju hums in agreement while Takeomi could only deadpanned in the background. How is Shinichiro is the leader again? And it was so weird for him to see Senju being so carefree not like her younger self.

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