Other side of the story pt. 15 : A day in the life of (y/n) pt.2

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Alternative title: (Y/n)'s daily dose of cats

3dr person POV:

A sleeping (y/n) could be seen on her bed, sleeping to possibly catch up on all the hours she had neglected due to her duty as Spiderwoman.

It was all peaceful. Until it's not.

" *Chokes on air* " her eyes shot open from the sudden weight roughly landed on her stomach. She coughs a few times before she looked at who the fuck did it.

It was a small white cat.

(Y/n) stared at the cat for awhile, her sleepy brain trying to process the whole thing. The white cat tilted its head on one side as it meowed.

"......Senju?" Senju meow in acknowledgement and delight as she walks down to (y/n) side and up closer to her face. Senju then rubs her head against (y/n)'s cheek as she purrs. "Please don't do that again." Senju only meows happily. (Y/n) then gently grab ahold of Senju before getting up from her bed.

Senju continues to purr as (y/n) made her way to the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom,  saw the cutest scene ever. It was Mitsuya, in his cat form, giving his sisters a bath in the bathtub. (Y/n) couldn't help but cooed at them as Mitsuya meowed at her in greeting.

(Y/n) approches them, "You look kind of funny like that Mitsuya." He's seemingly pouted. She snickered. Eventually she ask him, "You mind if I help you, Mitsuya?" Mitsuya looked at his sisters and they meowed at him before he turns back to her with a nod, "Alright! Okthen, sit back, relax and let me give you the the best customer service you experience that no one has ever gave." (Y/n) proceed to wash them with Senju eventually joining in, wanting to be wash along with them as well. (Y/n) happily did so and afterwards, they were all happy wet cats.

(Y/n) secretly took a picture of them.

Then she proceed to dry them with a towel. She jokingly made Mitsuya look like a grim reaper by using the towel to drape over his head to which he should get off by simply shaking his whole body to fling it off.

As she continues to dry them, she heard a meow by the doorway. Upon looking who it was, she was greeted by the sight of Hakkai, "Hey there Hakkai! It's nice seeing you." Hakkai gave a long meow as he walks up to (y/n). He then got on his hind legs and with his front paws rested on her arm he bump his nose onto hers. (Y/n) giggled then gave Hakkai a kiss on the head, "Look at you, you're such a happy boy."

Mitsuya meows a he pats (y/n)'s thigh, insinuating that he wants one too, "Ok ok. One kiss coming right up!" she leans down and kiss him on the lips or what used to be his lips. "Happy?" Mitsuya responded by briefly rubbing his head on hers in adoration before he meows at Hakkai. Then both him and Hakkai carry his sisters out of the bathroom by their scruff, "He's definitely happy."

(Y/n) looked at Senju only to see her wanting expectantly as if silently saying where is my kiss. She huffs in amusement before giving in into her request, giving her multiple kisses around her face. Senju seemingly shakes in happiness before she bounces away out of the bathroom, "And there goes a happy Senju." (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh as she goes on to do her business.

Once she finished, she makes her way downstairs to get herself something to eat or maybe one of the girls already cooked something for her.

When she reached the end of the stairs, she could see in one corner where Mitsuya was busy grooming his sisters by licking with the help of Hakkai. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Senju was getting groomed by her brother Takeomi. (Y/n) saw how the newcomers, especially bonten Sanzu and Takeomi seem to have mixed feelings about it.

All of a sudden she felt something climbing up towards her shoulders. When she looked over to see who it was, it appears to be Hanma. He purrs before he snuggle up closer into her neck, "Good morning to you too big boy."

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