New web shooters and costume

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3dr person POV:

Mitsuya look at his work, proud at what he had created. Now all that's left is for (y/n) to try it on so he can see if any adjustments is needed. He then left his room and towards hers. When he got to her door, he gave it a knock, "Come in!" on cue Mitsuya opens the door and as he does so, he end up blinking at the sight in front of him. There she was, balancing on a web string and from time to time would bounce on it. And she was not the only one there, Jason and Kisaki were present as well. "Oh hey Mitsuya!" (y/n) greeted, still balancing on the string. "Eyo Mitsuya!" Jason raised a hand as he also greeted with a grin, "Hey." while Kisaki gave a simple greeting.

"Hey-!" Mitsuya, who was about to greet back was then cut off by Jason, "(Y/n) do a backflip!" (Y/n) grins with a thumbs up, "Ayt!"

"Wha-" Mitsuya didn't manage to say when (y/n) actually did a backflip which lowkey caused Mitsuya and Kisaki's heart to almost stop. They thank the god when (y/n) safely landed with ease. 

After (y/n) landed on the string, she uses the dip from the string caused by her weight to then launch herself towards Mitsuya, "Catch me!" she exclaimed in delight. His eyes widen but he quickly readjust himself and soon he caught her in his arms as she cling onto him like a koala. "Good lord (y/n), you scared me half to death! Just what were you doing?" Mitsuya exasperatedly said all the while still holding her up, "She was testing her newest web shooters." Kisaki informed while pushing up his glasses. "So (y/n), did it passed the test?" Jason Inquired as he pulls on the string like as if it was a guitar string, making the web string emit a sound. (Y/n) finally proceed to get down from Mitsuya, although he still held her waist, "100%!" she exclaimed facing Jason with a bright grin and an ok sign, "Buuut." she added, "I got one final test! But before that,-" she face Mitsuya again, "-What bring you into my humble abode Mitsuya?" he blinks a few times before a gentle smile grace his lips, "Today's the day you get to see what I've made for you (y/n)." it doesn't take long for (y/n) to understand what he meant as her eyes suddenly sparkles in excitement, "*Gasp* You mean?!" Mitsuya proudly nods, "Yep, the costume is done." now becoming antsy, (y/n) can't help but shake Mitsuya back and forth with her almost healed hands, "What're we waiting for?! Let's go!" she ends up pulling him to his room anyways.

Kisaki and Jason looks at each other and then Jason shrugged his shoulders.



"Mitsuya." (y/n) finally said after a moment of staring at herself in the mirror, "Hm?" Mitsuya hummed in inquiry while looking over her, it was perfect- "Marry me." Mitsuya choked on air once he heard her bold statement. What are the odds that out of everyone she'd choose him. Don't get him wrong, it's not like he hasn't though of asking her hand in marriage but it's just the compare to the other guys he wasn't strong like Benkei or Draken, charismatic like Mikey, good looking like Inui, smart like Kisaki.

"Wait, what would Takemichi and Hina think about this?" (y/n) muttered as her eyes slightly widen at the realization, meanwhile Mitsuya was still processing the sudden turn of event, "B-But why me?" he finally managed to say which snaps (y/n) out of her current though and then she hums in though, pondering over Mitsuya's question, "Hmmm *snaps fingers towards Mitsuya* you're husband material."

He's....husband material?

A blush suddenly plastered across his cheeks at the though that she she considered marrying him because she sees him as a husband. That made him felt a certain type of pride bubbling in his chest as he briefly imagine what she'd be like as his wife, hearing her calling him honey, cuddling her close as they sleep and most importantly, what she'd look like in a wedding dress made by him.

Oh god, she'd be so gorgeous.

A hand to his shoulder, snaps him out of his daydream as his gaze then meets with (y/n)'s one, "Hehe you don't need to think about it too much, Mitsuya. I just exaggerated my expression of love and appreciation for you. But seriously though! This look so amazing! You're a true fashion designer!" she joyfully exclaimed as she looked over herself again, admiring the details Mitsuya put into the costume. 

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