What the-

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(y/n)'s POV:

A few weeks pass by like a breeze.

If you're wondering how our project went. We pass with flying colors!
Ok I lied. We barely passed but we still pulled through so at least that's good!

Anyways, these pass few weeks went by mundanely with the occasional spiderwoman duty BUT I'm happy to say that I've gotten closer to some of my cats. Since some of them seemed shy. Now I'm able to scoop them up in my arms and give them kisses.

Although Blueberry was particularly a hard one. He would freeze up every time I mentioned his name and refuses to look at me but I think he's starting to relax a little bit now.

Ruby, Dolce, Cotton and Braveheart are rather awkward cats. It's so cute seeing their confused face after I initiate some form of affection.

Molly, Sunny and Velvet are so fucking lovely, I swear sometimes I wish they were smaller so I could carry them around in my pocket.

Dragon, Taro, Munchkin and Snake are pretty gentlemanly to be honest.

Hmm, I don't have much to say about Smiley, Angry and Luigi. Thought I would say they show their love in their own ways.

Godzilla, Venom, Diablo, Mario and Bolt are calm most of the time but when they go wild. Boy they went hard at it.

Batman remains neutral towards me.

As for Mr. Fluff, I tried to get closer to him but he would always hiss at me. So in the end I decided it would be best to give him some space. I'm a little sad cause he seem to be burden by something but I don't know what.

With that aside, I've notice lately that my cats have being...very quiet and plus the tension between the two groups just seem to grow. I would catch them staring daggers at each other from across the living room. That alone was what made me start spending more time in the living room. Because I'm afraid if I didn't they might start something nasty.

Also, one time Sunny almost got crushed by a heavy object. The odd thing was how did it even fell?

"Meow." I look down to see Braveheart. For some reason he always seem to know when I'm getting worry and would come to comfort me and sometimes along with Velvet and Sunny but it seem like it's only him this time around. "Whatsup Braveheart? Came to comfort me again? Hehe...." I pick him up as I lay down on my bed, raising him high above me as I stare into his beautiful baby blue eyes, "Do you know what's going on? It's like the tension between your group and the other became stronger than before. Honestly, I'm kinda lost on what to do." he meows. My expression soften, "I really love you guys. I honestly don't want to see any bloodshed amongst you. I hope whatever happens, we'll be able to live together peacefully one day. Haha...it weird that I'm worrying about this, nonetheless speaking to a cat about it." I weakly laugh at the end as I then proceed to get up into a sitting position, "Welp, it's time for me to head to work. Braveheart-" I rest my forehead against his, "Thanks for comforting me." He quietly meows. I place him on my bed and soon left my room when I'm about to change into my working clothes.

"Huh? It's close." I stare at the closing sign. Confused, I call my coworker.


"Uh hey. Why is the café closed today?"

"Ah (y/n), I forgot to tell you about that."

"About what?"

"The café will be close for a while since there's some business the boss must attend elsewhere."

"Then when will it reopen?"

"I will keep you updated as much as possible about that."

"Alright thanks a lot. Goodbye"


I put my phone back into my pocket, "Guess no work today. Ayt cool. That means more time with my cats!" Although I was excited. I can't help the gut feeling that something's not right.

My wide eyes stared at the scene infront of me. All of them except for Velvet, Sunny and Molly, were battered up, heck even bleeding. "What are you guys doing?!" Their movement cease. I look at the damage around the apartment and notice something that made my heart sink. My mother self portrait was ripped, "No......no no no." I walk towards it, kneel down and carefully pick it up.

A piece of art my father cherish with all his heart and it became even more precious after she passed away

Only one though ran in my head, 'I can't let him see this.' I get back up, portrait in hand. Then look at my cats. I'm angry and I know it. I wanted to say something but I can't seem to find the right words. I can't seem to express how angry, sad and disappointed I am towards them but to myself as well. So instead, I give them a disappointed look and make my way towards my room, closing the door behind me.

For the rest of the night I would occasionally hear my cats meow behind my door but I made no movement to open it.

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