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Before we start I'd like to show y'all this fanart I got:

Before we start I'd like to show y'all this fanart I got:

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Honestly, this shit warms my heart, like I'm having a hard time expressing in words how much this means for me

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Honestly, this shit warms my heart, like I'm having a hard time expressing in words how much this means for me.

Thank you so much @N0t_Fi3a for the fanarts!

3dr person POV:

Izana relish the feeling of her skin on his palm and fingertips as he stared down at her beautiful eyes. After months and months of being a cat, finally, he's a human again. He can actually be with her, talk to her, laugh with her and hold her.

Though, he noticed that she wasn't responding, "(Y/n)?" he said whilst softly stroking her cheek with his thumb. Her name felt great coming out of his mouth, he wants to say it over and over again.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) immediately snaps out of her shocked state and with quick hands and swift movements, she threw the blanket that previously covered her onto him completely, scrambled off the bed and stood about a feet away from her bed while facing it. Izana wrestled with the blanket for a bit before he sat up and pulled the blanket off his head revealing his almost white colored hair. (Y/n) pointed an accusing finger, "W-W-W-Who are you?! How do you know my name?! And why are you in my bed?!" Izana stared at her in confusion before he realized that this is the first time she is seeing him as a human. "(Y/n), it's me. Your cat, Mr. Fluff." Now it was (y/n) turn to be confused, "Cat?" then she noticed it, he has cat ears and a swishing tail behind him, she dramatically gasp in horror while still pointing at him, "You ate my cat!" Izana sigh, "(Y/n), I am your cat."

(Y/n) brows furrowed but she took a moment to take in his appearance, tanned skin, white hair and orchid eyes............white hair and orchid eyes...... white hair and orchid eyes?! (Y/n)'s hand slowly lowered as she looked at Izana in disbelief, ".......Mr. Fluff?" Izana warmly smiled, "Yes, (Y/n)."

He began getting up to in order to give her a hug but (y/n) immediately noticed the more he gets up the more the blanket is uncovering his lower area and she quickly became red the moment she slightly saw his v-line. "Stop!" she shouts as she brought both hands up to emphasize her point. Izana doesn't understand why she wants him to stop, she now knows that he was Mr. Fluff, so why is she stopping him? He continues on getting up which cause (y/n) to become even more agitated, "Mr. Fluff! For the love of god, stop right there!" Izana pout in annoyance, "But why? What's wrong with me coming over to you? I'm your cat no?" (Y/n) shook her hands in a dismissive manner, "No no no! It's just.... it's just...well..." (Y/n) then glance to the side and would occasionally give him brief glances with a still red face, "..Y-You're....naked..." she finally revealed. Hearing that, Izana looked down at himself and then slightly lift up the blanket only to see that she was in fact right. Though, Izana wasn't faze by the fact that he was butt naked. He actually felt a bit mischievous that he managed to make her red. "So?" he casually said and in return she became flabbergasted, "What do you mean "so"?! Put some clothes on!" Izana deadpanned, "There's no clothes for me to wear."

Internally screaming inside her head, she look for her largest hoodie and sweatpants. Once its been found, she threw them to him to which he immediately slips it on, not caring if (y/n) see his shlong or not. But of course (y/n) quickly looked away when he got out of her bed to slip on her sweatpants, leaving it just low enough for his tail to be free. She eventually look once she was sure he finished slipping it on. Even with her largest clothe size, it still look somewhat small on him but just by a bit. It sort of look ridiculous on him but it was so adorable especially along with the ears and tail.

Izana swiftly came up to her and embraces her while burying his face into her neck, her scent strongly wafting his nose. She was obviously caught off guard but then she noticed that he way he hugged her felt exactly how he would do it as a cat. That's right, he was her cat. The same Mr. Fluff. (Y/n)'s soon returns the hug as she rub the back of his head, "This is honestly the weirdest morning in my life but good morning Mr. Fluff."



"My name. My name is Izana, (y/n)."

"... Izana." she felt him tighten his hold.

Oh how his name roll of beautifully from those lips of hers.

And so for a good five minutes they hugged simply because Izana won't let go and wanted to bask in the warmth of her body for a little more longer. At one point he started purring. Honestly, she thought that was fucking adorable.

When time was up, they pulled away but not before Izana suddenly give her cheek a lick.

Her brain short-circuited.

But she quickly snapped out of it and pulled her head away from him while vigorously wiping at her cheek with the sleeve of her t-shirt, "What was that for?!" Izana only looked at her dumbfoundedly with his tongue sticking out a bit before it clicked.
Right, he's now a human buuut he still retain some feline characteristics and "licking her to show affection" was one of them.

Izana still tried to weasel his way in, "I'm your cat thought-" (Y/n) quickly cuts him off, "You may be my cat and I don't doubt that but doing that as a human is hella weird man." Izana shrugged, "Then you'll have to get use to it."

"Wha-" but she cuts herself off.

She takes a deep breath.

She feeling conflicted at the moment, since he was her cat Mr. Fluff but now that he became a human and claims his name is Izana, she doesn't truly know who he is exactly. Is he really a cat? Or something completely different? In the end she decided it'd be best to talk it out with her "cat".

(Y/n) walk pass Izana and sat on the edge of her bed that is facing the door. "Mr. Fluff." she called as she pat the spot beside her, he promptly sat down as he wrapped his tail around her waist which she doesn't paid attention much. "You said your name is Izana. Right?" (Y/n) asked for confirmation to which he nod. It only made (y/n) more confused, "So if you already have an existing name before I named you Mr. Fluff......are you.... really a cat?" Izana doesn't hesitate to answer, "No, I'm not a cat. Well, I was a moment ago but seriously speaking I am not one. We're human, (y/n)." She honestly wanted to doubt him because of the ears and tail.


"We?-" her inquiry was muffled by a loud wail, "Izana!" and soon the image of Izana's face was then tackle by Mikey which made his tail let go of her waist as it stood straight up and fluffed up. "How come you get to turn back before me?! This is not fair! I want to be normal too damn it!" Mikey said as he grips onto Izana head whilst continuing to wail. "Mikey, let go of me!" Izana said with a vein popping out as he tries to pull him off. It was then (y/n) swoop in to pull Mikey away. "Bolt! Whatsup with you?!" (Y/n) said holding him in her arms. Mikey look up at her with a pout. "Geez Mikey, you almost completely tore my face off you ass!" Izana exclaimed as he get up close to Mikey. "Mikey?" Mikey perk up at the mention of his name and looks at (y/n) once more but with excitement this time. That was the first time she called him by his actual name! Well, it's more of a nickname but still. "That's just his nickname. His real name is Sano Manjiro." Izana said while still somewhat squinting at Mikey. She looked into Mikey's eyes, "Sano Manjiro..." she whispered, "That's me!" he joyfully reply although it came out only as a meow to (y/n).

(Y/n) took a moment to think.

Mr. Fluff, Izana.

Bolt, Mikey.

Her eyes slowly widen in realization but before she could utter a word someone else did before her, "Izana?" They all looked at the doorway to see Kakuchou with Draken looking at them in disbelief. "Kakuchou." Izana said. "How in the fucking world?" Draken said not believing what he was seeing presently. "Oi! Did you found Mikey yet?!" Baji yelled as he, Chifuyu, Takemichi and Kisaki approaches the stunned Kakuchou and Draken. "Oi-" Baji cut himself off when he got close enough to see inside and just like the rest he froze in place, jaw dropping. "Izana is normal now." Takemichi mutter under his breath, "Well, except for the ears and tail." Chifuyu added.

Izana look at them all, ears slightly twitching as his tail swish behind him in a relaxing manner. He softly sigh as he then grab (y/n) wrist, "I believe there's gonna be a lot of explaining to do since I'm sure you must have lots of questions right now." then gently, he pulled her out of her room and to the living room.

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