Other side of the story pt. 9 : The lost of a great man

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3dr person POV:

As soon as (y/n)'s dad finished recording his voice message a notification bell rang from her room.

"Oh, she forgot her phone." Draken said as he peered down the hall. "That's a first." Mikey commented.

Mr. Parker's brows slightly knitted as he travels to his daughter's room and soon came back with her phone in hand, "Sweetiepie, I didn't say all that just for you to forget your phone." he then sigh, placing her phone on the kitchen counter.

He already made his message clear that he won't bother her on that subject and decided to trust her more, but the fact that she doesn't have her phone with her just made his stress level rise to 100. So, he made up his mind that he'll personally escort her back. He doesn't know exactly where she is at the moment so he's going to her workplace first. He went and quickly gets change, grabbing his black leather jacket on his way out. Before he steps out of the apartment, he crouch down infront of Takemichi and gently lays a hand on top of his head while giving a soft smile, "I'll see you little rascal later." soon he step out and close the door behind him.

"I sort of feel bad for the dad honestly." Ran said as he lazily laying on the couch, "Gotta agree with you." Kazutora said from across the room. "Sucks that he's left in the dark like that but it's understandable from her part." Kisaki said. "Welp, guess it's another game of waiting now." Hanma said as he stretched his body.

More than an hour adn a half has passed since Mr. Parker left and there's still no indication of them coming back. While waiting, some either watches TV, sleep, groom themselves/someone or play fighting.

At this point, they each wonder what she might be doing. Probably her spiderwoman thing again since she always seem busy with that nowadays or is she actually doing something completely different this time? They doubt it. Because they know that she doesn't go out unless it's for something important. But now what about Mr. Parker? How does he intend to find her to begin with? Plus, if she ever comes back first, then it'll become awkward.

Emma look at the time with worry, they should've been back by now. So, why are they both gone now? "What's on your mind Emma?" she turn around and to her surprise, it was Izana who asked her, "Well.. it's just.... I'm worried." There was a moment of silence, "They'll be fine. I know they will." Emma smile at Izana attempt to reassure her. Mikey softly smiles at them from afar.

A couple of minutes later, they hear a thud coming from (y/n)'s room. "Oh. She's back." Rindou said briefly taking his eyes off the TV to look down the hallway. Hina approaches Emma and Izana along with Yuzuha, "Let's go greet her. You want to come along as well Takemichi?" Takemichi make his way to them, "Sure." Mikey bounce his way to the group, "I'm coming too!" Soon they all make their way towards their destination with the girls being ahead of them. When Yuzuha, who peaked in first, saw (y/n) she froze in shock, after that it was Hina, then Emma who gasps in horror. Their reactions causes the guy's gut feeling that something wasn't right. And their questions has been answered when they see for themselves the sight beholding the girls.

Takemichi's face drained of colors upon seeing (y/n)'s bloody figure.

Mikey's eyes widen at the same time his brows meet in the center, noticing how unresponsive she's been.

Izana immediately grew concern over the fact that she could be injured.

"(Y/n)!" Takemichi yells running up to her, calling out her name multiple time only for her to still be quiet. "(Y/n)! What happened to you?!" Yuzuha exclaimed as she attempt to shake her which was difficult with only paws. "Oi! (Y/n)! Speak to us!" Mikey shouts as he gets in her line of vision but then his eyes widen, that look in her eyes was something he's all too familiar with. "(Y/n), who did this to you?" Izana tried to stay calm but it was clear that there was some hint of anger in his voice and the fact that she doesn't say anything just makes it worse for him. (Y/n) remains unresponsive, staring at her bloody hands. "What the hell?" they turn around only to see the rest of he gang at the doorway who stares at the scene with shock,"What the fuck happened to her?!" Koko demanded as he runs up to her and scan her up and down. "That's what we'd like to know as well but.... she's not responding at all." Takemichi said seemingly at lost. "Come on (y/n)! Snap out of it! (Y/n)!" Draken shouts in hope that she might give an answer, but to no avail. As Koko look her over, he then became puzzled, "There's no signs of injury." Upon hearing that statement, they all relax but only by a bit. Because now it means that it's something else completely, or rather something connecting to the blood on her hands and clothes. "If it's not her blood, then whose blood is that?" Hakkai asked the big question but after he delivered the question a notification bell rang from where Mr. Parker had left her phone.

Finally, it seems that the chime woke (y/n) as she starts to get up albeit robotically. "(Y/n)." Hina calls her out but it seems like (y/n) was still in her own world. They all followed her, with Mikey and Izana being the closest to her, to the living room. Some were worried that her dad might walk into the apartment at any time now. They watch as she picks up her device after the second chime and slide down onto the floor with her back against the kitchen counter. Mikey pawed at her in an attempt to catch her attention believing that maybe she's a bit more aware now, "(y/n)..." unfortunately for Mikey his efforts were in vain.

Then, an all too familiar voice resonates from her phone.

"Hey, it's me! Your cool dad haha! Uuh....(y/n), I'm not gonna nag you about coming back. On the contrary, I hope you have fun with whatever it is you're doing....I'll see you when you come back and then let's play super smash bros together hehe!....Be safe out there and take care..............I love you sweetiepie."

Immediately, after the message came to an end they saw (y/n) break down.

It suddenly clicks.

Mr. Parker is dead.

It was all so sudden, they remember him being with them about an hour ago. Now, he's dead. Although they don't know him on a personal level, it still made them feel... sorrow. They know he's a great man and a hella great father to (y/n). They won't admit it out loud, but they'd love to have a conversation with him if they ever turn back into humans, but it seems like it's no longer possible.

Thought, this personally hits too close to home for Izana, knowing that back then the same thing happened to the only person he considers as a brother. At this point, he truly believe that he and (y/n) are one and the same.

They all watched helplessly as she weeps into her arms. Hina, Yuzuha and Emma tried to console (y/n) in any ways but nothing help. All they can do now is stay by her side as she continues to cry to the point of passing out onto the floor in a fetus position.

That night, they all slept close to (y/n) to hopefully provide her with some warmth and hope that their presence will somehow comfort her.

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