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3dr person POV:

(Y/n) dumbfoundedly stares at the trio in front of her, "What?" was all she could muster after hearing what went on without her for the past two weeks.

Jason softly sigh, "Like I've said, everyone missed you and they've been brooding for the past two weeks, especially Mikey and Manjiro. And not too long ago, there were new guests that appeared." Kisaki reminisce the event as he add in his own comment, "Cats at that." then Izana exasperatedly sigh before joining in as well, "Wild ones too." Though, (y/n) shakes her head to their statements, "No, I was just stating out of bewilderment." as she said that, silence soon follows until (y/n) suddenly exclaim, "MORE CATS?!" the trio sweatdrop as they assumed that it must've taken her a bit of time to process the information.

It didn't take long for Kisaki to notice how (y/n)'s eyes were squinting at them with accusation. He right away knew what she was thinking about and thus quickly address the elephant in the room, "No (y/n), no one summoned a bunch of cats right in the middle of the living room." Kisaki said whilst crossing his arms.

He and (y/n) proceed to have a nonverbal conversation as (y/n) gave him a raised eyebrow but Kisaki shuts it down with an unimpressed expression which finally made (y/n) back off and stop her squinting. Kisaki softly huff with a barely visible smile upon seeing (y/n) pouting while averting her eyes.

A knock resonated and all of them turns their head to see that it was Bro, "Sorry for disturbing but I believe it'd be best to leave her to rest for tonight. I'm sure she's eager to go back home as much as you all." Jason gets up from his chair, "He's right, we should go to sleep and leave (y/n) to recover."

"I'm gonna stay here." Izana said with a tone of stubbornness as he sit still unmoving from his spot with arms crossed, "Oi Izana didn't you heard what he just said-"

"I totally didn't heard it." Izana was clearly being sarcastic on this one. Izana then gets up and hugs (y/n)'s head to his chest, "Plus something can happen to (y/n) without us knowing, so someone should definitely stay here with her. Therefore, I volunteer."

"Izana." (Y/n) said, "Yes?" he inquired looking down at her expectantly, "Go with them." Izana frowns, "But-" (y/n) cuts him midway, "Izana." he could tell that her tone held no room for interrogation. Thus, he quietly submit.

He peck the top of her head, "Goodnight, (y/n)." he said before he went to join the other guys. "Goodnight." she replied. "Rest up (y/n), you'll need it." Jason said as he and the others soon left the room, leaving (y/n) with her thoughts.

She slump back down on to the bed whilst looking up at the ceiling, one thought running through her mind.



"Oi, we're hungry give us something to eat." an annoying voice resonated, "Would you shut up and wait. You're not the only one with an empty stomach, South." Manjiro said, his voice filled with warning, "Plus the girls are out buying groceries. Though, if you're that hungry, then be my guest and go out there to hunt something. Whether you get caught or not is not our problem." Wakasa, who sit on the couch, added monotonously whilst playing with his tail the same way someone would pretend to check their nails. "You better watch your back white leopard." South growled as he took an offensive stance, "I have a name dimwit and it's called Wakasa." Wakasa shot back as he get up from the couch to ready himself.

"Oi! Both of you! No fucking fighting!" Takeomi yelled from across the room, "I have no business listening to you, scarface." South retorted with a scoff.

Meanwhile, we have a group who's oblivious to their surrounding as they're being sucked into the world of gaming, "WOOOO! IN YOUR FACE TAKEMICHI!" the silence was broken by Chifuyu who shouted out over his victory while throwing his arms up. "Wow Takemichi, you suck." Ran commented which didn't help Takemichi feel any better, "No! He got lucky! I swore I could've won that!" despite his protest Rindou pushes him aside, "Too bad. A lost is a lost. Now move, it's my turn." Takemichi groans as he does just that. "Better luck next time, partner." Chifuyu said with a giggle as his tail swish happily behind him and Takemichi simply waves it off all the while sulking over his defeat.

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