Web shooters

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(y/n)'s POV:

Immediately, right after the bell rang, I rush outside and start chasing the criminals who are getting tailed by the police.

Quickly changing, I immediately start swinging after them. As I get closer, I saw the culprit making a turn so I decided to take a shortcut. Now the culprit is on sight but immediately I notice two people crossing the street and the culprit isn't slowing down. Prioritizing the civilians first, I swing by and swoop them up, bringing them safely to the other side. "Thank you spiderwoman!" I nod at them and I quickly go back to chasing. I swiftly catch up and with one last good swing I land on top of the vehicle. I broke the window on the driver's side and was going for the lock but then I got unexpectedly tasered on my wrist. I yelp in shock but push through the pain and unlock the door. The culprit immediately points the gun at me point blank and I dodge it with ease. Grabbing the gun, I snatch it and threw it inside the car. Then, I break the seatbelt, grab him and threw him out. I shoot the web on my left but quickly notice it was broken, so I quickly switch to the other, shooting a cushion he fell on it and then I immobilize his wrists. With that done, the next problem is the car, it was still moving at a high speed. Plus, it's getting closer to the wall. I then sense a small boy walking in that direction, I jump off the car, swinging and then land infront of him. I pick him up and jump out of the way just as the car came crashing into the wall.

I place the boy down at a safe place, "You ok little guy?" He vigorously nods his head which make me ruffle his hair, "That's good! Oh! Y'know what? Here." I dig into my pocket and pull out a candy, "Just for you little guy." His eyes sparkles as he thanked me and soon left. I look behind me and see that the cops has now apprehend the culprit. A sigh escape me and then I left to retrieve my things. I pull up the sleeve to look at my left wrist, "Man, that sucks. Gotta hide this from dad."

"Dad! I'm back!" I exclaim as I close the door behind me and taking off my shoes. "Sweetiepie! Welcome back!" My dad puts me in a headlock and proceeds to give me a noogie. I giggle at the same time as I complain, "Daaad! You're gonna make me bald!" my dad then let's me go. "I can't see my daughter with a bold spot yet!" He dramatically said while cupping his mouth. I take notice of his outfit, "You're going out dad?" He grin, "Yep! I'll be hanging with Darius right now so I'll be back rather late. I left some money on the kitchen counter if you want to order any takeout." I softly smile, "Thanks dad, have fun." He kiss my forehead, "I will sweetiepie. Goodbye for now!" I wave at him as he disappear behind the door.

Welp, this is a great opportunity to take a look at my web shooter.

I go into my room and I drop my bag beside my bed as walk over and sit down at my desk. Taking out both of them, I see that my left web shooter exploded. " *Sigh* Guess I have to make another one." Then I hear a meow. I look down beside me and see Batman, "Hey! Fancy to see ya here!" He then jumps on my knees and then on my desk.

He looks at my web shooters and then sniff the one that was broken, "Yeah, as you can see, it broke. Right after school, there was a culprit on the loose. Manage to chase him down. Son of a bitch almost ran over two people. But anyways, he tasered me pretty good at the wrists-" I pull my sleeve and show him the injury, "-and I guess the electric must've travel to my web shooter which explains why it exploded. Well, he's subdue now, so it's all good." I stand up and walk over to the side of my bed, I kneel down and reach under to pull out a box full of little parts and electronics. Sitting back down at my desk along with the box beside my feet, I crack my knuckles, ready to work. I look at Batman, "You want to stick around and watch?" he meows in response which made me smile, "Be my guest then."

With the broken shooter infront of me, I start by taking unscrewing everything and once that was done I take everything out and inspect them, "Yep. All burn to crisp." I throw those pieces away. I then pull out some containers that contains the extra parts needed. I then get to work.

Halfway through building my web shooter, I look at the time to see that it was feeding time for my cats. So, I decided to take a break and go out of my room to feed them and order pizza. I realize Batman wasn't following me, "You're not coming?" He only stares at me, "No? Then wait here, I'll bring it to you."

Munching on the pizza, I hum in delight, "Now this is some gud shit." I keep eating along with Batman, who's still on my desk and eating as well. After finishing the last bite, I notice Batman was also done, so I quickly go put away the plate and wash my hands before eventually continuing on my web shooter.

"Y'know." I start without taking my eyes off my work but I know that I caught Batman's attention, "When I first built my web shooters. I didn't know jackshit about anything. So, y'know what I did?" I briefly glance at Batman, "I pestered the fuck out of my science teacher!" I grin widely at the memory, "Of course he would refuse at first cause I'm not exactly a very good student. No, I don't do anything delinquent related but it's just, I don't pay attention and always slept in class. Which I still do." Batman seems to give me a deadpanned look but then comes closer to take a look. I chuckle, "Curious one aren't cha? This is one is a lot better compare to the first one. Hold up, lemme get it." I search through the box and finally found it, "Aha! There it is!" I place a box in front of Batman and open it, "Man, it's been awhile since I've seen these, but as you can see these-" I pull out a rather bulky web shooter and show it to Batman, "-are my first ever web shooters. They still work really well but I stopped using it because it was quite bulky, so it was a bit hard to move my wrists. That is why, I made an improved one." I take out a much smaller web shooter, "I just made it a lot slimmer, but the problem that I had with it was that the hole for the web ends up jamming sometimes. Actually, fun fact, while I was using these, it suddenly jammed mid flight, so I fell like what? 30 stories high? Fortunately, I didn't sustain any injuries, but my heart almost escaped from my body tho. I thought I saw my life flashing before my eyes." I chuckle at Batman's widen eyes as I then place the web shooters back into the box, "So, for quite some times, I had to do research on materials and test them over and over again and man let me tell you, some of the test almost got me killed. Like this one here." I take my left arm out of the hoodie and then pull up the t-shirt sleeve to show faint burn marks with web patterns, Batman leans his head close, "The material that I use for the web didn't hold up well, it ended up exploding and spreading the web everywhere. It was a nightmare to clean." I slip my arm back into my hoodie, "Or also that one time I got zapped, okay not one time because I did definitely get zapped a lot but anyways, I got zapped because I didn't wired them properly. Shit went wrong and went boom y'know?" I put them away and resume on working, "Anyways, after some time I eventually got to this one which you're seeing now. Probably my best one yet. Although, I recently have an idea for a new web shooter." I momentarily stop to show Batman what I meant.

I point at my wrist, "The idea is that I'll make a sensor so that every time I specifically do this-" I did the rock sign motion, "-it will shoot. I am thinking of building it soon someday." Batman meows at me. I rest a hand on his head with a smile, "You're always welcome to watch."

Two hours later and I was finally done, "Alright, now to test it." Then, I hear a knock at the front door. I went and check the peephole to see Jason.

Opening the door, I stare at him with a raise brow, "What brings you here?" Jason shrugs his shoulders, "I just want to drop by to chill for a bit and get away from home. They're stressing me out." Jason walks in and I promptly close the door. I look back and notice Batman is now outside of my room and seem to be talking with Godzilla.

Jason turns around to say something but he then points at my web shooter a bit excited, "Oh! What're you going to do with it?" An idea pops in my head, "I don't know. Make you shut up?"


I shot a ball of web and it hit perfectly on his mouth, sealing it. I cackle.

"Really, (y/n)?" His voice came out heavily muffled. I walk over to him and swiftly rip the web off his face. "Ow! That felt like a facial waxing." he said as he rubs his mouth. "Haha, sorry bout that. I just wanted to mess with you and hopefully cheer you up." Jason bonk my head, "That hurts more than it cheers me (y/n)." I nervously laugh while scratching my temple, "Hahaha, oops?" Then, there's silence but Jason then broke it, "What else can you do with it?"

So, for the next hour, I did numerous tricks and even trick shots while Jason and my cats cheers for me in the background.

cAtS?! (Tokyo revengers x spiderman reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें