!!!! (pt. 2)

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Today/Tonight, I give you all a double update since I've made you guys waiting for so long. I hope you all enjoy the chapters. :)

3dr person POV:

Izana was the first to snap out of his daze as he then runs up, whilst casually pushing the guy aside with ease, to stand beside the bed in which (y/n) lays. He took a moment to observe her peaceful expression and with slightly shaky hands, he brought them up to cup her cheeks. When the feeling of warmth made contact with his palms, the tears in his eyes broke from its barrier and flows freely down his cheeks as a smile of pure relief present itself on his lips, "I knew it haha... I knew you are still alive." he whispered to her whilst his thumbs caresses her skin, he then leans in to give her a kiss to the forehead before resting his forehead against hers.

He knew it. He was right all along. The very moment they showed no proof of her dead body, he was convinced that she's still alive somewhere out there. He can't wait to rub it on the others' face for saying otherwise..... okay, with the exception of Kisaki, at least he's smart enough to question it.

Kisaki tread slowly, as if gotten there too quickly might make her dissipate into nothingness like an illusion his mind is playing. When he eventually made it, standing at the other side of the bed opposite of Izana, he reaches out and held her hand, it was warm. His brows furrowed as he tried to hold back the look of hurt mixed with relief, but how can he when the person he loves dearly was in fact, well and alive. Well, she's definitely not in a good state, but mere fact that she's there reassured him. He brought her hand up to his cheek as he rub against it, trying to mimic the way she'd pat him. "You..freaking idiot..." he whispered.

Jason watch he scene unfold before him. Whatever tension he had in his chest suddenly dissipated leaving behind a sense of lightness.

Jason then spotted at the corner of his eye (y/n)'s superhero suit but his view was promptly obscured by the guy still in the room with them, "H-Hey, it's not what you think she isn't who you think she is-"

"We already knew." Jason quickly cuts him off with the statement which made the guy to be taken aback, "W-What?-"

"We personally know her, that's how we knew." Jason added. "Oh, so you're not intruders who came here to kill her-" Jason proceed to stride over him and grab onto his collar, "If anything you're the suspicious one. Where did you find her?! What were you doing to her?!" the guy clearly taken aback by the action, raises his hands in the air signaling Jason to calm down, "Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down man! I will explain if you can please let me go." with a huff, Jason let's him go.

Then, there was noise of stumbling before the man, who was knocked down by Izana and now finally conscious, appeared by the doorframe, his friend exclaimed in worry, "Dude! What happened to you!?" meanwhile, the man with the bleeding nose said, "Bro! They managed to break through me!" everyone in the room then proceed stared at the man with a bleeding nose as the man finally registered the fact that the gang is in the same room. "...Are you here for round two?" Izana bluntly asked to which he was promptly met with an accusing finger, "You! You didn't had to do that y'know!" Izana nonchalantly brushed it off, "You were in my way." the man became even more exasperated, "Still!" a vein pops out of Kisaki's temple as he turn to the nosebleeding man all the while still maintaining a hold on (y/n)'s hand, "Can you just shut up? Your damn loud voice will wake her up." the man with the bleeding nose quickly shuts up at the mention of (y/n), "Sorry." he quickly and quietly said.

A bark was soon heard and they look at the direction of the noise to see both Armstrong and Buddy, "Right, gentlemen, please have a seat. I'll try to keep the story short and clear." Each one of them proceed to grab a chair or sit anywhere they can.

An awkward silence ensued.

The guy without the nosebleed clears his throat, "Ahem, ok so uuh spiderwom-"

"(Y/n). Her name is (y/n)." Kisaki promptly cuts him off to which the same man repeats himself again with a bit of gesture, "Ok, (Y/n)'s friend, will you please introduce yourselves." Kisaki scoffs with a smirk, "You're our host, it's rather rude to make your guests introduce themselves first without announcing yours." the nosebleed retort with an offended look, "EXCUSE ME, but the three of you were the ones coming in UNANNOUNCED." before Kisaki could make any smartass comeback, Jason decided to cut the conversation there to stop beating around the bushes, "Alright, we'll introduce ourselves and I'll apologize on Izana's behalf for the injury." the nosebleed man sigh, "I'll let it slide since we both had a misunderstanding." Izana, with crossed arms, ask while tapping a finger on his clothed bicep in an impatient manner, "So? What are your names?"




















"Excuse me what?" Jason, clearly flabbergasted, stated. "Pfft! Your names are Dude and Bro?! Were your parents high or something?! Ahahahaha!!" Izana exclaimed as he then clutch his stomach while laughing hysterically. Meanwhile, the two gentlemens were surprisingly neutral upon seeing their reactions. It was written all over their face that this wasn't the first time they've gotten those kinds of response, "In fact, they were." Izana's laughter immediately stops and the room suddenly goes quiet. Kisaki's mouth opened but Dude beats him to it, "Don't ask how, coz even I don't know how." Dude said. "My  dad named me......uhm yeah, that's pretty much it." Bro said with an exaggerated shrug. Jason, Izana and Kisaki secretly share glances at each others, thinking who in the fucking world would named their child Dude or Bro

Another silence ensued.

"Uhm , o-ok uuuh, nice to meet you Dude and..Bro. My name is Jason and these guys are-" Jason gesture towards Kisaki, "Kisaki." then Izana promptly announce his name as well, "Izana." Bro curtly nodded his head, "Nice to meet you all." Jason leans his elbows to rest on his knees while intently looking at the both of them, "So, can you please explain to us what happened with (y/n)?" 

Bro and Dude briefly looked at one another before Dude gave a curt nod. Bro softly inhale and exhale before his eyes turn solemn, his mouth opened.

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