A rough day......sort of😣

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Enjoy the long chapter :)

And sorry for any mistakes I may have made.

(Y/n)'s POV:

My eyes opened to be met by furs, my gaze trails down to the face of a big sleeping cat named, whom I believe is Wakasa.

How the fuck did I ended up using him a pillow? I just remembered dead ass collapsing to the floor in exhaustion. Oh well, I don't mind it, afterall it's soooo......... soo...... comfortable....

My eyes began dropping close again just to get some more sleep in me.




Snap back to reality, senses tingling, fully alert and body immediately responding upon instinct. Next thing I knew, I was sticking onto the ceiling. A bit woozy from being awaken so abruptly, I look up to stare down in order to ask why the fuck did Wakasa pull off that dirty trick but then I saw Emma in an apron, "Geez! You slept like a rock! I had to ask Wakasa to roar to wake you up!" she said with a frown as she crossed her arms.

Oh, so that's why.

Unsticking myself off the ceiling, I dropped beside her then proceed to hug her, "Good morning Emma." I felt arms wrapped around me, "Good morning to you to, but you gotta get change and come down for breakfast or else the others will gobble them down." she released me and gave a kiss to my temple before leaving.

After her figure disappeared, I look slightly behind me to see Wakasa stretching. Once he was done with that he walk and stood beside me then softly growls while looking at me, "I can't speak cat my dude but good mornin' to you to buddy." I said as briefly rubbed his head before I left my room. I could hear the pitter patter of his paws behind me.

That lowkey gave me the same vibe as the baby duck walking on different surfaces. That cute shit can cure depression.

I reached the living room where each person are lounging at their preferred place, Wakasa walks around me and towards his group, "Good morning y'all." some either greets back or hums in acknowledgement. I chuckle at the sight of the new cats gawking at the flat screen TV in pure awed.

I don't see Mikey 2 anywhere tho. Hmmm.

"(Y/N)-chin!" on cue Mikey decided to leap and attach himself onto me like a koala. I pat his back, "Morning Mikey." Izana approaches us and then started pulling on Mikey, "Oi, don't hog her first thing in the morning." Mikey only tighten his hold while burying his head into my neck, "You don't get to decide that!" I chuckle at their dispute and then I felt a nip on my neck, I pat Mikey's back again, "Mikey I know my neck is delicious but we have actual food on the table." finally Mikey gets down and proceed to shoot me a sly smile, "I know."

Uh? Then what was that.

Realization hits me, "You did not.-"

"It's my morning kiss." he then give me a cat grin then left to the kitchen where Emma and the girls are cooking.

Izana, who's still here, hugs me with his tail wrapping around my waist. I chuckle under my breath and reach a hand up to run my fingers through his hair, brushing over his cat ears occasionally. "Slept well?" I asked, "More or less so." he softly whispered, "Can I stay in your room tonight?" he asked this time. "Sure." I softly said we both pulled away and we walk to was the kitchen counter.

Emma momentarily looks up from the pan, "(Y/n), you still haven't change out of your disguise?" Emma inquired while I lean and rest my arms on the kitchen counter, "Nah, I'm feeling lazy today."

"At least take those web shooters off when you eat, ok?" Hina said as she comes over to brush a hair behind my ear, "Ok." I said with a soft smile. "Here's your portion." Yuzuha set down a plate of food infront of me, "Thank you Yuzuha." she grin in response.

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