Spending time with the Black dragon, Kanto Mikey and Senju

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So before we begin, I want to apologize for not clarifying regarding the characters' age in this story. I'm a dumbass for not doing this from the very beginning. Thought, early in the story, I did wrote how Kisaki mentioned about that (y/n) looks around their age and she's clearly a teenager since I even wrote it in the description. So, in my head I was like 'they'll figure it out' but now that I think about it more, I realize that if I was in your shoes, I most likely won't caught on the small detail either. 

So, to clear the confusion here are the characters' age in this story:

Y/n is currently 17 about to turn 18 in the story
















Chifuyu :17






Kakuchou :17

The black dragon:20

Kanto Mikey:20


I apologize again for the late clarification and making it seem like they're minors. I swear that's not what I intended. I will also add this to the beginning chapter for those who are new to this book to avoid confusion.

(y/n)'s POV:

Some time passed by after I visited the doctor. The doctor was surprised by how rapidly my hands are recovering and thus the good news is that I can finally use my hands! Only for light stuffs thought...oh well, at least I can do some things for myself again. The gang were still very insisting on helping me and since I know they'll simply brush it off no matter what I will say, I just let them do as they please, much to my disappointment.

During that timeframe, I had a problem that turns out to be not really a problem thanks to a angel sent from heaven. Let's rewind back to show you what I meant.



With bandaged hands I hold my costume that was unfortunately ruined by the fire and from the fight with the monstrous burly man. I observe it up and down to inspect the damage and yep, the sleeves are a goner, mask is somewhat charred, the pants are ripped here and there. Overall, it's irreparable. I sigh, then I hear a meow. Tilting my head slightly down I see Mikey 2.0 crawling onto my lap and then lays with his belly facing up as he look at me with his dead looking eyes. 

Well, I did notice that his eyes started to have some hints of light in them and although he doesn't express himself quite like the Mikey I know, his childishness does show itself when he's around me. Though, the thing is that, it wasn't evident but rather really subtle, I didn't know at first but eventually I caught on.

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