Other side of the story pt.3 : The calm before the storm

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Takemichi's POV:

Today's the day. The day Toman goes to war against Tenjiku. Initially we all thought that the fight was forgotten since we became cats but....

"Aaaaah! I miss Peyoung Yakisoba!" I sweatdrop as I heard Baji complain. "Maybe you should go along with her when she goes shopping next time." Kazutora suggested. "Good idea!" Baji excitedly exclaimed. "Count me in!" Mikey said as he playfully pounce on Baji. "Can cat even eat that?" I heard Inui mutter.

"Then I'm coming along too-"

"You're not invited Hanma."

"How mean.~"

"Ahahaha...." I weakly laugh to myself. It has been a few days since me and Kisaki discover about (y/n)'s secret identity. I'm worried because I don't know if he told the others, you can't be too sure. Me on the other hand, I did get excited when I knew about it and I honestly wanted to tell the others since we're cats you know? So what could go wrong? I almost spill the bean but I held back at the last second. There's a reason why the news talked about her identity and also from the looks of it, her friend Jason have no knowledge in that regard. So I came to the conclusion that she's hiding it for similar reason I didn't tell anyone besides Chifuyu about my time leaping ability.

To protect others but ourselves as well.

"Takemichi, are you ok?" It was Hina. I nuzzle against her head, "Yeah. I'm fine, don't worry."


All Toman members' heads turn towards the voice to see Izana with a guy with duel eyes right behind him.

He...looks familiar.

"Izana.." Mikey said.

"You all seem to be enjoying yourselves. How nice to live without any worry for danger." Izana said with his usual neutral but crazy expression. "Just get to the point. We know you're not here for leisurely talks." Draken snapped back. "Hehehe....fine then, remember the date we initially set up for our fight? That won't change even if were here, even as some other creature."

The initial date....22 February? We still gonna fight on 22 of February?! I then remember back when they all huddle up.

So it was for this...

"Why all of a sudden?" Mikey inquires. "Backing off now? Mikey." Mikey stays quiet. "Either way, whether you like it or not, Tenjiku will fight Toman on the 22 of February!" Izana said with a wide grin. "You're asking for a suicide-" Smiley started but was cut off by Izana, "You think I'm worried about our numbers? You may be plenty but I have very capable people of my own. And if you think you can easily beat me than you're all underestimating ME." Izana stare at us with maliciousness. A shiver ran down my spine. "What about (y/n)? If we fight, it'll be obvious." Hakkai asked. "You don't need to worry about her.~" Ran said. "How so?" Chifuyu inquire. "Once we're done, we'll just make it seem like there's an accident." Izana answer. We all look at Mikey, waiting for his final decision, ".......Guess we have no choice. Fine, I accept your declaration of war Izana. On the 22 February we shall face each other." Immediately the room became colder and the tension became suffocating. Izana gave an eerie smile, "Till then, Mikey."

The weeks that follows, I can't stop the feeling of apprehension that rises everytime I see a member of Toman and Tenjiku make eye contact. I think (y/n) must've notice it because I start to see her hanging out in the living room more often and honestly I'm glad she did. A few fights almost  broke out but since (y/n) was there, it didn't happened and she also saved Emma from getting crushed. Damn you Kisaki! At one point, the girls pointed out that (y/n) look rather disturb and tired. We both concluded it must be because of us. Although I also believe it was because of her hero duty that causes her to be tired. So me, Hina, Emma and sometimes Yuzuha would occasionally visit her to try and  make her feel better.

Although today...she seem more worry than usual. So I decided to visit her on my own.

I sneak my head in to see (y/n) sitting on her bed deep in thoughts. I slowly make my way there, "(y/n)." She looks down and our eyes met, "Whatsup Braveheart? Came to comfort me again? Hehe....." She slightly bent down and picked me up. Then as she lays down she raise me high above her. We stare at each other. I would still become flustered whenever she initiate some form of affection but at times like these, I don't feel that way.
"Do you know what's going on?-" she started. 'Yes....' I thought with a sad expression. "-It's like the tension between your group and the other became stronger than before.-" I continue mentally answering her, 'It has.' She momentarily closed her eyes, "-Honestly, I'm kinda lost in what to do." My expression turns solemn, "Me too..." Her eyes reopen as her facial expression soften, "I really love you guys. I honestly don't want to see any bloodshed amongst you. I hope whatever happens, we'll be able to live together peacefully one day." My eyes widens. "Haha.... it's weird that I'm worrying about this, nonetheless speaking to a cat about it." she then weakly laugh. She then sat up, "Welp, it's time for me to head to work. Braveheart-" she press her forehead against mine, I close my eyes, "Thanks for comforting me." I mutter under my breath, "(y/n)..." I was then placed on her bed.

A new wave of motivation washes over me.

She doesn't know that we'll be fighting soon. Yet she still wishes that we all get along and doesn't want any of us getting hurt.  There's one thing I know everytime Toman faces another gang. We always end up losing someone precious and since we're elsewhere completely unknown to us and plus in a different year, I don't know how that'll affect the future if one of us dies. Which is why I'll do whatever I can to ensure everyone is safe! Even if it means getting beaten half to death!

Pure determination filled me. I look ahead of me ready to face the new challenge but then I quickly caught sight of (y/n) beginning to undress herself. I turn into a tomato. I leap off of her bed and made a mad dash towards the door, "S-sorry!"

(Y/n) is now gone. The war begins.

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