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This one's a long chapter. Enjoy! :)

(Y/n)'s POV:

I profusely sweat as one of my hands maintains a firm hold at arm's length on Smiley's lips while the other was behind me to keep me upright. Smiley on the other hand, his face is flushed and although his mouth was covered by my hand, I could still feel his grin underneath my palm as he continue pushing his weight forward on my hand, his hands on the floor beside my hips to support himself. "Let me kiss you (y/n).~" although muffled, I still somehow make out what he said, "Smiley, no, you're not in a good position to do that right now." Smiley audibly whined in protest at my remark. 

Then suddenly, I felt a presence behind me along with a warm breath on my neck. It didn't take long before whoever is behind me started kissing my neck. Since both of my hands were occupied, it was futile for me to do anything as I helplessly sat there rigid as a wooden board with the heat creeping up my neck and cheeks. Their kisses then trails up to my ear and they gave it a niiice looong and sensual lick, to which I internally scream, before whispering in my ear, sending shivers down my spine, "I love you (y/n)." I can tell from the voice alone that it was Hakkai.

Since when did he became so bold?! 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" I exasperatedly screamed at my predicament.



-Prior to the chaos-

"I don't think this is a good idea Jason." I eye the item presented in front of us, "But, aren't you curious tho?" he inquired to which I reply, albeit fumbling my words a bit, "Pftwell I meAn nO." I averted my eyes in hopes that it would hide the fact that I do want to. Jason gave me the look. He kept looking at me that way until I eventually cave in, ".....Yeeeah." I drag out and at that, Jason raise a brow in content and interest. Even then, I still try to weasel Jason out of that though, "As much as you are curious about it as I am, it's better if we don't at all. The first time they were cats-" I momentarily stop to briefly give Jason the disappointed look to which he pout, immediately knowing I was rereferring to that time, "-but now they're...uuuuuh...human? Half-human cat? Cat human?...Ok whatever the fuck it's called but anyways now that they're back to normal. I just simply can't let them casually sniff something equivalent to crack. Who knows what are the effects that would cause on them in the state that they're in currently"

"And THAT is exactly why we need to find out." Jason swiftly replied with a wicked grin along with a snap of a finger towards me. I simply deadpanned. Jason wiggles his eyebrows, "C'mon (y/n), I know you are too." a smile manage to appear on my face despite trying to be serious. Because we both know we wanted to see it and at this point it's undeniably clear to see.

We need help.

I look at the time and my eyes widen, "Oh shit, Jason we have to get moving now or we'll miss the movie with Mr. Darius!" Jason's also widens as he then scurry to put the catnip into one of my drawer and then soon follows me as I was already on the move. 

As we got to the bottom of the stairs, put our shoes and stepping outside, we are met with Hanma, Shninichiro and Takeomi smoking on the porch. Hanma notice us first, "Hm? Where're you going doll?" he asked me while breathing out the smoke. I approach him and I tip toed to sneak my hand under his hoodie's hood to briefly ruffle his hair and he purrs at the contact, "I'm going out for a bit." he hums in reply.

"Where to?" Takeomi inquire and then take a whiff of his cigarette, "To the movie with Mr. Darius." Takeomi's brow visibly rose in question to the unfamiliar name, "Mr. Darius?"

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