Mikey and Mikey

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3dr person POV:

Kanto Mikey can't quite put a finger on how he felt whenever he sees...himself, or also known as the Mikey from 2006, being all touchy feely with (y/n). Considering that he runs a gang for a living, the thought of being together with or let alone love somebody was never crossed his mind. It's overall impossible to not without the danger that comes with it. So, it definitely peaked his curiosity whenever he sees himself with the superhuman spidergirl named (y/n). He never knew that he could be.....this loving. He wants to know why, just why does Mikey love her in the first place. He knows the risk of getting involve in such act right? After all, no one ever stays around long enough...

Kanto Mikey sat face to face across Mikey with (y/n) and Emma cuddling beside them. Well, it was more Emma who does the cuddling.

"I was half expecting you to come pay me a visit at one point." Mikey said to kanto Mikey, his tone flat and monotone. Kanto Mikey stays quiet. "Honestly, I never thought that I would dislike meeting myself so much."

"The feeling is mutual." Kanto Mikey expressed. Mikey huffs, "What's your deal anyways?" Mikey finally asked while looking away and towards (y/n) and Emma as he then proceed to brush away a strand of hair away from their face. Emma hugs (y/n) closer as a result. 

"Why do you love her?" kanto Mikey got straight to the point. Mikey stays silent, then with a silly smile, he turn his head to kanto Mikey's direction, "Because she gives me lots of food!" he lightly exclaimed. "Quit with your bullshit." kanto Mikey snaps in a sharp tone, his expression turning darker. Mikey huffs yet again with a lazy side grin, "Heh, just as I expected." then his face turned neutral, "To be honest, I don't know when did I started liking her. She's absolutely normal if you take away her power. A girl with a busy life and has a weird best friend named Jason." Mikey suddenly pause but he soon picks right where he left off, "But after everything she had done for me, how can I not? Heh, it's difficult to describe it in words."

Kanto Mikey's brows furrowed, "But why risk it? You're aware of what she does no? If worse case scenario happens, you won't be able to crawl out of that hellhole. Plus what would you do if we ever return back?"

"...I made a promise to myself that I won't ever fall back into that dark impulse." Mikey said. "You know it's inevitable, Mikey." kanto Mikey stated, "You sound very sure." Mikey said with a quirk eyebrow. "Because we are one and the same. There's no difference between us.-"

"You're wrong." Mikey cut kanto Mikey off, "You are wrong because we do not exist in the same timeline and universe. Thought, it doesn't mean I'll disregard the fact that you went through some shit and I won't lie when I say that I can definitely see myself becoming just like you if I lost everyone I knew and love. For now.....-" Mikey briefly looked at Emma and (y/n), "I'll do my best to protect them and somehow convince (y/n) to stop playing hero. Hehe, she always makes me feel helpless whenever she goes out there. Although I know very well what she's capable of....I just want all of us to live happily together in a beach house." kanto Mikey mentally questioned about the beach house but paid no mind to it in the end. Mikey now raise one leg up and rest an arm over it while leaning his back to the wall behind, "Now it's my turn to ask you a question. Let's see.....do you.....want to start over again?" kanto Mikey turned flabbergasted at the question, "What the fuck do you mean?-"

"Take this chance to heal yourself." Mikey simply said, "You don't need to follow that path anymore and maybe this could be the last time you'll ever be able to talk to Emma, Izana, Baji, Draken, Shinichiro and the others as well. So don't let this chance go. Now then, let me ask you again. Do you want to start over again?"

Kanto Mikey stuck in silence as he contemplate over his answers. He won't lie, Mikey was right on that. After all, seeing them again felt like a dream come true and although he did avoid them like the plague at first, he slowly wants to reconnect with them once more but most importantly what it's like to be love by her.























A small smile appears on Mikey's lips, satisfied with kanto Mikey's answer, "Then, hope we get along, other me."

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