The beacon of hope and the unsung hero

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3dr person POV:

The very next day, (y/n) was woken up by a call. The ringtone from her phone awoke the gang as well. (Y/n) tiredly sit up with bloodshoted eyes and a red nose from crying too much. She glance at her phone and saw 911. She reached her hand out and she briefly stopped remembering that her hands were still bloody but she grabbed it anyway since the blood had dried overnight. Pressing the green button, she then lift up the phone towards her ear. "Hello...." her voice came out hoarse. "Hello, might you be Miss (y/n) Parker?" the officer inquires. "....Yes." she weakly replied. "We've called to inform you that last night, we've found the body of your father. Unfortunately, he was already gone when we made it to the scene but the good news is that the criminal responsible for his death was apprehended. So rest assure." (Y/n) stayed silent for a short moment. "...Thank you for letting me know." she said her tone remaining dead. "I'm sorry for your lost." the officer said. "...It's...alright." then the call ends there.

She closes her eyes to try and forget about the event of last night but it seems like the more she tries the more it's doing the opposite. "Hey,  (Y/n)..." Mikey's voice brought her attention to them to which she became mildly confused, " long have you all been here for?" they realize she's finally aware of them now. Mikey went up to her lap and snuggle his head into her neck as a way of giving her a hug. But to (y/n), she thought he wanted morning kisses, which was not a good time for that. "Not now Bolt." (Y/n) proceed to lift him up by the armpit and place him beside Izana only for Mikey to hug her once more, "Bolt, please." she place him yet again beside Izana.  Hina decided to take the initiative this time and taking a different approach to Mikey, standing on her legs with her paws against (y/n) clothed collarbone she ever so gently lick her eyelid and then softly rub her head against her cheek. (Y/n) finally ends up hugging her close like she's her lifeline as she quietly sob. Takemichi rub his head on her side, comforting her in his own way.

The days that follows after her father's funeral went by like a blur. In those days, (y/n) had inherited her father's expenses which there was a lot. He must've thought very far ahead. Although, her dad's relatives, whom she only heard from her dad and now meet for the very first time, came to offer to let them take care of the her dad's will. (Y/n), instead cursed at them. How dare they have the audacity. Eventually, (y/n) made it clear to them to never contact her anymore and just like that the brief family reunion came to an end.

Darius came by one day to check up on her as well as to help her deal with the large sum of money. The whole time, (y/n) felt like shit, for Darius and her dad were pretty much attach by the hip and now he lost his other hand. (Y/n) can only imagine the pain he must be going through.

Other than that, she wasn't doing much, she would look through the photos of their time together or stay in her dad's room. Her depression has gone to the point where she no longer have any appetite or care to do any of her spiderwoman shenanigans. Most of the time she was mindless but if one of the gang comes up to her she'd notice them but overall she's just.....empty.

The gang had tried their best to be of help feel better in any ways.

Smiley, Angry, Baji and Kazutora would try to get her to play with them but she'd only weakly smile at them as she pats their head.

Inui, Koko, Rindou, Hina, Yuzuha and Emma would bring a bunch of snacks to her to make sure she's eating at least something and they wouldn't leave until she does so.

Takemichi, Chifuyu, Hakkai, Draken and Mitsuya would come around and spend some time with her hoping to ease her loneliness.

Since they're not really good at comforting Sanzu, Kakuchou, Ran, Mikey and Hanma settled with giving her kisses either on her eyelid or cheek.

Kisaki was at loss for what to do exactly so he would nudge her hand with his head gesturing that she can pet him to help herself.

Lastly, Izana has been the one  staying by her side day and night. On nights when she has nightmare, he would rest his head on her neck to calm her down.

Those days were hard for everyone.

Jason's POV:

After, seeing Mr. Parker's death announced on the news, my heart shattered into millions of pieces. I couldn't fathom the fact that he was gone. I hate to say this, but I like him better then my actual father. He understands me, gives me advice, play along with my weirdness, welcomes me to be part of his family.

As much as it breaks my heart, I can't stop thinking about how (y/n) was taking the news. Up until her dad's funeral I tried calling her but she never picked up. I once visited her but when I entered her apartment and looked for her, she was nowhere to be seen. Then, I finally saw her during the funeral and she looks like an empty shell, her eyes devoid of any life. I was gonna go and talk to her but unfortunately she quickly disappeared after it ended. So, I decided to give her some space to mourn in peace but I'd occasionally call her hoping she'd pick it up so we can talk. But (y/n) being (y/n), stubborn even as a little girl wouldn't talk unless you make her.

Using the the same key in which the Parkers used, I open the door to the apartment and enter into their home.

Well, I guess it's her home now....

I noticed some of her cats around but no signs of (y/n) in the living room. So, I went to investigate her room only to discover that she's also not there which leave one room left. Opening the door to her dad's bedroom, there she is sitting on his bed lost in her phone while Mr. Fluff is beside her. I approach her. "(Y/n)." slowly her eyes traces upward to meet mine. "Jason..." my heart clench seeing her face so dead. She stare down her lap, "I can't do it anymore....I have this power and yet....I can't even save my own dad..... I'm a failure...I can't save anyone..."

I raise a hand in the air and with force karate chop her head to which she holds it in pain. "What the fuck was that for?!" she snaps at me. ".... You're an idiot, (y/n)." her eyes widen, "Huh?" My fists clenched, "Instead of looking what you've lost! Look what you have left!" her jaw becomes slightly ajar, "You still have me! What happened to what I've told you many months ago?! Why can't you realize it's okay to depend on me even if it's just emotionally?! And your cats! They all care for you! Can't you see that?! Failure? Can't save anyone?.....(y/n) don't know how many times you've save me...even back when we were kids." I hold her shoulders, "Remember I used to get picked on because of my accent? You swept in and started talking about how lame their accent were and they were not as cool as me. After that, for years, you'd help me improve my prononciation which I've now became fluent..... For the longest time... I've always seen you as a my beacon of hope and not just me but the others as well. No matter how much you failed, they still believe in you. Because you're the reason that they feel safe, you're the reason the kids can sleep in peace, you're hope to the people. A beacon of hope."

Her shocked face remains that way for a moment before it becomes neutral. Then, suddenly, she bash her forehead against mine and I reeled back while holding my forehead in pain, "Ow!-" but then I was pull into a hug. After I processed what just happened, I hug her back, "Thanks Jason, I really needed it." I give her back a few pat, "C'mon (y/n), I gotchu."
"....Hey, (y/n). You mind if I ask you this?"

"...what is it?..."

My hug tighten a bit, "....What....were his last words?...." I feel her grip on me tighten as her body start shaking, "...........(y/n).... you're ok......... Don't daughter is a hero......... I'm so..... proud of her......" At this point she started crying on my shoulder and I tried to hold back my tears but unfortunately, a few slipped by.

We cried in each others arms, in mourning for the one person we hold closest to our heart.

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