Overthinking and visiting Mr. Darius

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(y/n)'s POV:

Now that my hands are screwed up, I can't do much on my own without the help of one my *cough* lover *cough*. Jason also visited me after seeing the news. It has been a few days since and everything went well.
Okay, not really.

It's frustrating not being able to grab ahold of anything and not only that but the urge to go save the day was driving me crazy. On that note, I did try to sneak out once but I was quickly caught in the act by Mikey2.0 then later Kazutora saw me. After that embarrassing moment, them knowing that my hands are off-limits decided to lock every window to prevent me from escaping.

What is this a mental asylum?!

Thought, on the flipside, they coddle me like crazy as if I'm a fragile precious ceramic vase. Additionally, their behavior seemed to get...... even more affectionate. Like just this morning, Hina came by to give me some painkillers pills as well as change the bandages and she, instead of tipping the cup back so I can drink from it, made me drink it......from her mouth....through a kiss. My face had never felt so hot in my life. There was also that time when Inui along with Koko brought in pocky just as I coincidently wanted snack and while I had a pocky stick in my mouth, Inui came and started biting the other end until our lips met while holding my chin. It doesn't stop there, because as soon as Inui pulled away from me, Koko, who sat behind me, quickly took that opportunity and swoop it to steal a kiss as well and even snuck a tongue in like he did last time. He smirked at me with a tongue out. Sneaky bastards...

There are too many occurrence to count on one hand but I will tell you in general how they carried themselves around me.

Mikey would cling onto me whenever he gets the chance and to get him off, I was either waiting for him to fall into slumber or for someone to pry him off, notably Draken, Emma, Izana or Kakuchou.

I really appreciate it when Draken, Mitsuya, the girls and surprisingly the Haitanis volunteered to help with my hair. Draken would always finish off with a kiss on my forehead while Mitsuya on my shoulder.

Me together with Chifuyu, Baji and Kazutora would watch anime as others would join in from time to time. However, if we don't feel like watching anything, we just listen to music till we fall asleep on each other.

The Haitanis, other than helping with my hair, on random times and I mean REALLY random, would approach me and proceed to casually weasel their way under my hoodie like they would usually do as cats and rest assure, they didn't climb into the very last layer of clothe I have which was a shirt. As their head peak from under the collar of the hoodie, they flashed a shit-eating grin. They knew I can't push them away due to the state of my hands and they took advantage of it. They just make themselves comfortable and oh these motherfuckers would fucking tease me by ghosting their hands right under my shirt as they kiss my collarbone leaving faint marks. God have mercy on my soul.

Anyways, next up was Hakkai and Takemichi. Since they were afraid that my injuries would get worse if I did anything at all, they were almost always there to aid me with whatever I needed. The thing is that, they are beyond stubborn. I remembered clearly how I simply wanted to go downstairs and either Takemichi or Hakkai offered to carry me down. I said it was cool but apparently it wasn't cool for them because they still carried me down anyways, bridal style.

Honestly, I can tell that Hanma, Kisaki and Sanzu had never taken care of someone before. How do I know that? Well, they look absolutely clueless when they were asked to look after me. Rather ironic for Kisaki. Although, Kisaki did try to make an effort....with the help of the internet. I still find it endearing either way and would rub my forehead against his as a thanks. Hanma on the other hand, I had to explain to him step by step how to treat my hands and once that was done he would kiss the palms of my hand or use them to hide his face before he peek-a-boo and quickly peck my lips repeatedly. Sanzu, although clueless, took his time carefully take care of my hands.

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