Empty promise

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A/N: That's what Karasu looks like. 

You were currently walking with MC to school. You yawned and rubbed your eye. Mammon had slammed the door open to wake you both up. He was pretty loud too. You're sure your bedroom wall has a door dent in it now. You'd spent most of your morning getting ready. You focused more on making your lunch, so all you ate for breakfast was some fruit, and you gave the rest to Beelzebub. He seemed very happy about it.

You wanted to pull your hand away from MC's because they were starting to get clammy. But, they were nervous and holding your hand seemed to keep them calm. You stared in awe as you got closer to the school. It was extremely huge and it looked like a castle. It even had battlements and turrets.

"C'mon human! I have to show you your classes!" Mammon grabbed onto MC's wrist and whisked them away. Leaving you all alone, standing in the hallway, with no idea of where anything is. You felt betrayed.

'What a gentleman, leaving me all alone, in an unknown place...I DON'T EVEN KNOW MY SCHEDULE!' The realization stressed you out even more. You turned to look at the ceiling. Maybe the office was nearby, or at least labeled. Thankfully, it was, at least you had some luck on your side today. You walked into the office and asked for your schedule.

Surprisingly they had it. You'd figure that they wouldn't since you weren't planned, but they did.

'Damn, the council sure works fast.' You grabbed it from the receptionist and headed back into the halls. The hallways were labeled by year too. Looking at your paper, you were in the third hall. 'I guess that means I'm a third year? I don't know how this school system works.' You walked into the hall and began looking for your homeroom class.

Your jaw dropped. When you walked into the hall you saw some classrooms in a circular form. There was a staircase that led to even more classrooms on the second floor and so on.

"Why did I think this would be like school's back home?" You questioned yourself. You stared upward in both awe, and frustration. You'd have to climb all of those stairs if your class room wasn't on the first floor. You crossed your fingers for luck.


Well, that did a whole lot of nothing. You'd checked the entire first floor and you still haven't found your classroom. Good thing you, MC, and Mammon all left earlier than everyone else. You would've asked for help, except you weren't going to talk to the demons. You didn't know who was and who wasn't on Diavolo's side. You sighed and decided to make your way upstairs. Unbeknownst to you, a pair of teal eyes were watching you struggle.

You reached the top of the stairs and looked at the paper again. You decided to make your rounds again.

"The sooner you start the sooner you finish." You began walking.

Fifteen minutes passed and you were already contemplating asking to be sent back home. Everything was less confusing there, but then you'd remember your promise and you'd gain motivation to keep going. You were ready to climb the second staircase when you heard someone yelling behind you.

"Hey! You there."

You turned around and saw a different boy with white hair.

"Me?" You pointed to yourself. You were hoping they weren't a demon, maybe they were the other human exchange student or one from the celestial realm? And if they were a demon, you sure were hoping they were nice.

"Yeah, you. The one with the confused and lost look on your face. You're MC, right?" He asked.

"Ah, no. I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

Promise  (Obey me x gn reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum