Broken Arm

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A/N: So this is a value scale for reference, it'll pop up later in the chapter. Also forgot to mention that I also published this story on quotev and ao3. It's under the same username. Just thought I should mention in case you came across them and got confused. 

The next day you were sitting next to Beelzebub, like you do every morning, as the brothers praised MC for making a pact with Mammon. They were also teasing Levi for befriending a human. He got defensive as he always did but you noticed he wasn't as defensive as when they suggested that the two of you were friends. You sigh, it seems like it was already starting. This is mainly why you'd only hang out with MC in private or not at all. If you had to listen to them being praised constantly you'd go insane.

"Wow, MC, I can't believe you made a pact with Mammon! That's so impressive!" Asmo gushed. You rolled your eyes.

"Ah, it was nothing, you're exaggerating."

'Yeah it was nothing. BECAUSE YOU DID NOTHING!!! I WAS THE ONE THAT FORCED MAMMON INTO THAT STUPID PACT!!!' MC did this constantly too, taking credit for things and only properly giving credit afterwards. But because they were so 'charming' and 'kind' people just overlooked that problematic trait of theirs. You were sure they weren't even aware that they did that.

"Hey, MC, can you pass the syrup?" You asked.

"Still, for you to do that so soon is remarkable." Satan complimented them. They flushed and smiled in response, completely ignoring your request and pressenance.

'Whatever. If I can't have my pancakes with syrup then what's the point? Just eat them plain like bread? I mean, I guess technically it is bread but that's not the point. I'm gonna start heading over, if I listen to any more of this bullshit I'm gonna go off like a timebomb.' You pushed your plate towards Beelzebub who took your food gratefully. You pushed your seat back and got up to leave. As you walked out of the dining room, you ran into Mammon. He glared at you, remembering what happened last night, you didn't notice in your furious haze. You bumped his shoulder rather harshly.

"Hey! What's your–" Mammon stopped himself, seeing how you were seething with rage. Mammon made an unnerved sound. 'Reminds me of Satan when he's in a bad mood.' Mammon swore he could see a sinistery aura around you. No demons were going to be approaching you with that.

"But I couldn't have made that pact on my own. Y/N helped me, I'd say they did most of the heavy lifting to be honest." Mammon walked in on MC explaining your contribution to his situation. "Right, Y/N?" MC turned to where you'd been sitting only to see an empty chair. "Where's Y/N?" MC turned to Mammon.

"I'm pretty sure they just left to go to RAD."

"How did Y/N help out?" Beelzebub asked out of curiosity.

"The little devil threatened to hurt Goldie! Can you believe that!? That human has a screw loose I'm tellin ya!" Mammon yelled. He was very passionate about this topic.

"They held his credit card over the garbage disposal and told him to make the pact or they'd drop it in." Levi elaborated.

"Unhinged! Just simply unhinged! Who's first thought would be to do that?!" Mammon yelled again.

"Aw, I wish I'd been there to see it. I bet Mammon had a ridiculous look on his face." Satan said. Mammon shot him a glare in return. They kept talking while you were already heading outside.

You were walking down the sidewalk, humming to yourself. Over the years you learned that taking a walk helped with emotional outburst. It was very calming, especially when the cause of said outburst wasn't around. As you've said before, you don't hate MC, but sometimes you find yourself very annoyed with them.

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