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"Do I look good?" You asked Samuel in the mirror.


"Samuel, I'm being serious!"

'And my very serious opinion is that you look like shit.'

"Samuel, what is up with you today?" Sure, sometimes he was snarky or rude but never to this extent. And judging by his tone of voice, he wasn't having a good day. Which might explain why he was quiet the last couple of days. "You can tell me ya know?"

'...Fine. It's just, today would've been Beau's birthday...'

"Oh, Samuel. I'm sure today will be very hard for you."

'It will.'

"Do you want to retreat to the furthest crevice of my brain for some privacy?"

'Yes. I'll be back in 2-3 business days.'

"Ok. I'll be patiently waiting."

'And you look great by the way.'

"Thank you. I'll talk to you later Samuel." You got no reply, so you assumed he was already in the corners of your mind.

Now you're probably wondering why you were asking Samuel how you looked, well, tonight you were headed to a party at Diavolo's castle. From what Clair had told you, it was a congratulation party, for surviving for so long. When Clair had told you that you sort of laughed, it sounded dumb but it was nice of Diavolo to do that. Especially after all that's happened.

It'd been a few days since Karasu's and Belphie's...confession? You weren't sure if you could call it that but you guessed you'd just have to ask. About a day after that you were told the dorms were finished, so you packed your things and moved back in. They gave MC Lilith's old room, so now you had your own room, which was great. You set your things up again and you'd just been hanging out in the dorms for the time being. You hadn't seen Karasu for the past few days, but Clair had told you that he had been helping set up the party, along with everyone else. Currently you were just waiting to get picked up and driven over to the castle.

Who was driving you? Well your grandmother and uncle of course. Diavolo had decided it'd be better to arrive in families. MC did end up going with the brothers, after all, they didn't have any family in the Devildom. You heard the door bell ring and rushed downstairs. You opened the door and saw Grisela and Bucky. Grisela was obviously wearing a long, flowy, baby blue gown, and your uncle was wearing a tuxedo. They both had big smiles on their faces as they looked you over.

"You look amazing!" Grisella exclaimed.

"Thanks! You both look spectacular." You said.

"Look at you, all grown up." You could see your uncle starting to tear up. He was always sensitive, but it was appreciated.

"No but he has a point." Grisella agreed with her son. She turned to you and placed her hands on your shoulders. "Make sure you have fun tonight, ok?" She said and you could see the tears in her eyes.

"'re both gonna make me cry!" You could feel yourself tearing up too.

"Let's group hug!" Bucky hugged the both of you and you all hugged each other. It was nice. You felt at peace. You certainly hoped your death would be this peaceful. You all pulled away after you regained your composers. You were all wiping the last bits of tears from your eyes as you got into the car. The drive over was silent, but it was comfortable. You all just had a lot on your minds.

"How's it going with Solomon?" Bucky asked.

"It's going good. Y/N dear, could you get us the diamond? We need it for another one of our attempts."

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