Out to town

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That totally threw a wrench in their plans. Belphie was especially distraught. He was finally out and now he STILL couldn't hang out with you? This was completely unfair.

"Don't worry too much. Diavolo will talk to you about the whole thing soon."

"But that's still a whole month! It's not like we can just sit and wait as if they don't have a countdown on their life!" MC protested.

"Which is why we want to give them a month of nothing but fun."

"But do you have to take them from us?" Levi asked.

"Well, I'm not taking them from you. Just...borrowing. Plus they have our family crest and they haven't even made a single pact with any of you. If they were to belong to anyone it would be us." She said with a sassy tone.

Barbatos knew where this was headed and decided to stop it before it escalated.

"ANYWAY what matters is that Y/N has fun. Y/N is their own person, not owned by anyone. Clair, I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't antagonize them."

"You're right, you're right, my bad. Wouldn't want to make life harder for my twin. I shall be leaving now." Clair dismissed herself and headed out the door back to her house.

"Well, we still have time to hang out with them before they leave, right? And they'll be coming back." Belphie said hopefully.

"That's right. As a matter of fact, let's go hang out with them right now! I'm sure seeing my beautiful face will just BRIGHTEN their day!" Asmo squealed.

"That's not a bad idea. Do any of you know where they could be?" Satan asked.

"They're in town with Simeon and Luke." Bárbaros said.

"How did you know that?" Lucifer asked.

"I keep tabs on all my friends." He simply replied.

"Ignoring how strange that sounds, let's go to town." MC rallied them all up and headed into town.

Meanwhile you were just walking through the streets of Devil town. (So original) Bella and Karasu were to your left and Simeon and Luke were on your right. Luke was holding on tightly to your arm, trying to hide from Bella. Bella didn't like Luke as of now. He hung around you a little too much, but he hadn't done anything wrong, so she couldn't do anything about it. All she could do was send a glare at him, and Simeon too. From the outside looking in, the scene was pretty funny.

Every time Simeon would make eye contact with Bella, she would just hold it until he looked away. She wouldn't even blink, and every time Simeon looked away a smile of satisfaction spread across her face. She was smiling a smile similar to the Grinch's smile. Karasu did notice this, and couldn't help but laugh whenever it happened. You were aware of it too, but you pretended not to notice.

"So, where should we go first?" You were mainly asking the kids.

"A gardening store!" Bella yelled.

"A bakery!" Luke yelled.

The two of them looked at each other waiting for one of them to back down. Of course neither was going to cave. So it looked like you'd need to come to a compromise.

"Why do you want to go to the gardening store?" You asked.

"I want to get some more seeds and tools to tend to my garden. I still need to pick the fruits but after I do that I have to add the new plants." She explained.

You nodded. "ok, now, Luke, why do you want to go to the bakery?"

"Ok, maybe not the bakery specifically, but I want to get some more baking supplies." He said.

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