Castle Retreat

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"Remind me again what we're doing here?" Karasu asked as he rode in the shopping cart.

"Looking for things so Belphegor can entertain himself." You replied, pushing the cart to the art section.


"Cause no one's gonna be in the house, and he's going to be bored without my AMAZING~ presence to grace him."

"Uh-huh. So what you got in mind?"

"I was thinking about art stuff? He seems like the type to like drawing. Just like you!"

"So that's why you brought me along? I don't know whether to feel honored or insulted."

"Honored of course. But yes, I don't know shit about devildom art products and I'm not sure how different it is from the human world ones. So you're leading the way today!"

"Right, well first off you're going the wrong way."

"Oh. Then why didn't you say anything earlier!?"

"Because you didn't tell me what we were doing?." Karasu got out of the cart, picked you up and placed you inside of it. "Now sit back and let me lead the way!" Karasu turned the cart around and headed towards the art section.

"So, you see these? This is the quote unquote better, more expensive brand. Because the more you pay the better quality right? Wrong! That's what the companies want you to think! You can create the same colors on these pallets with the cheaper stuff. So that's what we're gonna get." Karasu explained as he picked out paints, colored pencils and paper.

"Thanks for your help Karasu. We'll be packing today by the way. Just so you know."

"Aye! You excited!? You pumped?!" Karasu playfully nudges you.

"Yeah, I suppose so. I'm way more curious though." The two of you were just walking around the area, looking for something that would catch your attention. "It's an old castle with lots of history, and I'm curious about it–"

"Boring! Who cares about history! Aren't you excited to see the castle structure?! Have you seen that thing? I wonder if they have a pool!"

You let out a laugh. "Y'know something I've always wanted to do? I wanted to inflate a kiddie pool and then put it inside a bigger pool and just chill in it, but I've never had a pool big enough to do it."

"WE SHOULD DO THAT! Let's go buy one right now!" Karasu pulled you by your arm and headed to your local Devil-mart. It's just like Walmart, but with devil in the name. If you couldn't tell. However, unlike your usual basic Walmart, this might as well have been a mall. There were escalators, multiple floors, multiple different stores, there was a fucking food court. Hell, there was a water fountain in there too. There were bright colors everywhere, the floor was made up of pink and green tiles. The inside was so much bigger than the outside.

Instead of having the fruit in containers or having a few out so that you could pick from them, there were bushes and trees where you could go and pick the fruit fresh! In the store! Like a whole section of it was just a straight up berry and vegetable farms where you could pick it yourself! Or you could pay extra to have someone do it for you. You were spinning in circles looking at everything in awe. Karasu had to hold on to you to keep you from falling.

"Woah! This place is huge!"

"Wow. And this is where the low income demons shop." Karasu commented.

"Then where the hell do the high income ones shop!?" You replied. "Also, now that you've brought it up, how's that work?"

"Well, high income and low income demons aren't all that different to be honest. The gap between them isn't even that big, hell there aren't even that many suffering demons. Mainly because most of them have a business and since we live so long, their kids soon join and they have more workers and they expand. Those who do suffer are helped by one of Diavolo's programs that helps them get back on their feet."

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