Castle Retreat Pt. 3

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"Hey, It's time to wake up." Karasu nudged you awake.

"Yeah, yeah." You sat up in fear of getting shaken like a milkshake again. You rubbed your eyes and grabbed some of your clothes. "Hey, where are the others?"

"They're already downstairs."

You hummed back in response before going to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. As you reached for the handle to make the water warm, you thought back to the book. Should you take a cold shower?

"But I don't want to do that. Cold showers are, well, cold."

'Really? I wouldn't have guessed...'

"Shut it Samuel. Anyway, I guess it's worth a shot, huh?" You got into the shower and turned on the cold water. When the cold water hits your body you let out an involuntary gasp out of reflex. It was cold. You couldn't move for the first few seconds.

'You know, if you just get your body wet and then put all the soap on, then you'd just have to rinse it all off, right? Wouldn't that be faster?' Samuel suggested.

"I guess I'll try that." You did just as Samuel suggested, all the while talking to Samuel.

"So, what'd you do to be the bad guy of your story?"

'I'd rather explain it as you read the story. Now that you've befriended Barbatos, I'm sure you can borrow the story book.'

"You're right I should ask him. Why don't you want to tell me, though?"

'It's a complicated story. Actually it's not that complicated but I want to mentally prepare for it.'

"Fair enough. So, an other things you want to talk about?"

'I'm proud you called out MC's hypocrisy yesterday. Remember, you pointing out their horrible will hopefully cause them to reflect and improve.'

"Hmmm..." You hummed in acknowledgement. You soon finished showering and dried yourself off. How you wanted some warm clothes, but you had brought a tank top and shorts with you. You put on the clothes. The castle was cold too, so hopefully the changes would stay hidden. You walked out of the bathroom to see Karasu napping on the bed. You went to wake him up.

"Karasu, wake up." You nudged him but he didn't wake up. 'Try tickling him. Why? Wouldn't you wake up if someone was tickling you? You do have a point.' Taking Samuel's advice, you began tickling Karasu and he soon woke up.

"S-stop! Mercy! Mercy!" Karasu begged through his laughter. You stopped tickling him and stepped back with a smile on your face.

"C'mon, let's go join the others." You nodded towards the door.

"Hey, you're back to normal."

"I took a cold shower."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"What kind of question is that? No, I hated it with a burning passion. It was freezing."

"Well it sucks you have to live like that."

"Not for long I won't."


"Sorry! I'm just trying to cope, ok?!"

"Breakfast is ready." A voice said from the doorway, causing the both of you to yell. Karasu even jumped into your arms.

You looked at Karasu. "Aren't you supposed to protect me?" You squint your eyes at him.

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