Hang out Pt 2

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"So why are we making so many Dorayaki?" Karasu asked as he and Levi watched over the pancakes in the pan.

"Yeah, I doubt we'll be able to finish all of these." Levi said as he covered the already finished pancakes with a damp towel.

"I mean, It'd be rude to not share with the rest of your brothers. Plus, I'm sure as soon as Beelzebub comes home and even so much as gets a whiff of the smell he's going to want some. On top of that, if there's leftovers–"

"As if that'd happen." Levi scoffed.

"Well if there is then we can take them for lunch."

"But aren't dorayaki a breakfast food?" Karasu asked, looking up from the pancake on the pan.

"And? You're starting to sound like my parents." You went back to mixing the smashed red beans with sugar.

"How?" Karasu asked.

"Sometimes I'd make oatmeal for dinner and they'd just walk into the kitchen and give me a weird look. Then they'd say, "Oatmeal is a breakfast food." and then I'd say, "I don't care about your, "Oatmeal is a breakfast food" I like it and will eat it when I desire, just watch me!" But I would say that last part. Because then they'd yell at me for being disrespectful." You continued stirring. "Hey, so do we want a more runny paste or more dense one?"


"Runny!" Karasu and Levi yelled at the same time.

"Dense because it's closer to Azuki-tan!" Levi yelled out.

"Runny because that's how my sister makes it AND she works at a popular bakery AND their dorayaki is the best out there." Karasu argued.

"I find that hard to believe." Levi scrunched up his nose. "It's all about texture, and dense red bean paste has the best texture out there. Plus, runny paste allows you to put less on the pancakes and that sounds like what a cheap bakery would do."

"Levi!" You yelled and covered your mouth.

"You did NOT just insult my sister!"

"Guys–" You tried getting their attention but failed.

"I think I just did. And I insulted the bakery, not her."

"Same thing!"

"GUYS!" You roared. They both turned to look at you. "It's not that big of a deal. I can just make half runny and the other half dense. There's no need to get into an argument over food. What are you? Children?" You said with a stern look on your face.

"No..." They both looked at their feet.

"Then don't act like kids." You had your hands on your hips and your eyes widened with realization. "Oh God," You began running your hand through your hair. "I'm turning into my...my...my parents!" It was like your worst fear became reality.

"Um, are they ok?" Levi whispered to Karasu as the both of them watched you pace around the kitchen.

"No. I don't think they are." Karasu whispered back. "Um, Y/N? I know you may be having a midlife crisis right now, but make sure you don't burn the paste." Karasu pointed to the pot.

"Shouldn't you take your own advice? Pretty sure that pancake 's been there for more than thirty seconds." Levi pointed to the brunt pancake on the pan.

"Huh? Oh shit!" Karasu took the pancake off the pan and saw that the bottom part was burnt. "Aw, man!" Karasu exclaimed as he threw it into the trash.

A little while later, the three of you were assembling the dorayaki quietly.

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