Universe 103 (2)

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As the confetti cleared out of your vision you saw everyone, and I mean everyone, standing before you with smiles on their faces. You were stunned, this wasn't at all what you had expected but you did like it.

"I-uh, I'm glad to be back!" You smiled at everyone.

"Y/N!" Both Luke and Bella ran at you to hug you, however they were held back by Simeon and Somnia.

"Remember Y/N is sore, if you run at them, they'll be in pain." Somnia reminded the children.

"Oh, right." Bella said.

"We didn't mean any harm." Luke added.

"Aw, that's fine. Come here you two!" You held out your arms for them. They walked to hug you, but they were mainly hugging your legs. "I would kneel down to hug you better but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get back up." You chuckled.

"You sound like an old person." Bella commented.

"Y'know Bella, I don't really appreciate that right now." You sighed and patted their backs. After that a line basically formed as you gave everyone a hug.

"We made you a cake!" Luke said.

"And food!" Karasu added.

"The table is this way so if you would follow us." Satan began to gesture towards the dining area.

"I'd love to, but can I change first? These hospital gowns are thin and very cold. Plus I don't know how I feel about having my dogs out."

"Your dogs?" Lucifer questioned.

"My feet!" You clarified.

"Why would you call them dogs?" Lucifer was truly baffled.

"I don't know, ok? I just want to cover them up."

"Then let's go to your room." Belphie picked you up and began carrying you upstairs.

"As fun as this is, I'm really looking forward to being able to walk on my own again. On the brightside, my skin isn't sensitive anymore!"

"I'm glad to have you and your optimistic attitude back." Belphie chuckled.

"Yup! I'm back and here to stay forever. You'll be seeing me so much you'll get sick of me." You said as you arrived at your room.

Belphie set you down in front of your closet. "I could never get sick of you."

"Trust me, you will." You picked out some clothes from your closet. "Could you close your eyes?"

"Sure." Despite agreeing he still peeked, and when you caught him you threw the hospital gown at him. Now that you were finally changed you attempted to walk down the stairs while holding onto Belphie.

"Easy, slow and steady...Careful! You're moving too fast."

"Belphie. I'm walking at the pace of a snail, how could I possibly be walking too fast?"

"I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"I understand but you don't need to baby me. I have my grandma and uncle for that."

"So are you an old person or a young child, because right now you keep on saying that you feel like both." Karasu said, he'd flown up to you and perched himself on your shoulder.

"Hello to you too." Karasu snuggled up to your face.

"See as nice as this is, please, Belphie, carry them down." Karasu begged. "We can only keep Beel away from the food for so long."

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