Mistakes were made

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MC arrived at the planetarium and saw Levi standing there. They gave him a once over. What about him could possibly peak your interest? He didn't seem all that special to them and he was inverted so he probably couldn't hold a conversation very well. At least that's what MC thought. They just couldn't wrap their head around it. Did you find him attractive? Was he what you would call your type?

"Hey, Levi." MC said as they walked closer to him.

"Hello, MC." They both had blank expressions on their faces. They didn't like each other and it was clear to the both of them.

"Make a pact with me." MC said, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible.

"Fine, since you won it's only fair." They made a pact and just when Levi was about to leave, MC piped up.

"What were you and Y/N doing? You practically stole them away! And they wouldn't answer my calls or texts!"

"You mean when you were blowing up their phone? And I didn't steal them away, they came looking for me. As for what we were doing, it's none of your business. You should learn to give them space to live their own life. From what I've seen you mostly ignore them so to demand their attention despite not giving them any seems pretty backwards to me."

MC was left gapping. "I don't do that! I give them plenty of attention!" MC argued.

Levi remembered what you had told him earlier. "Hey, when you and Y/N did ice-skating, did you check up on them when they went to hide in the bathroom?" Levi never heard you say what happened after you went into the bathroom, only that you started counting the bathroom tiles.

"Huh? How do you know about that? Anyway, what do you mean Y/N went to hide in the bathroom?"

"When you performed a triple axel on your first time, did you notice they weren't there? Did you know they went to the bathroom because they felt so crushed by you? Well, did you!?" Levi was beginning to feel enraged. MC had gotten lucky enough to have you as a friend their whole life and yet they couldn't seem to spare you a second glance. 'Do they even know how lucky they are?! I'm so...so...jealous! I can't believe I'm actually jealous of a human but it's not fair. It's not fair they got such a good friend and they don't even care!' Levi clenched his fists. 'Distractions Distractions...I should look up some recipes for those pancakes.'

"Tch, what do you know!? It's not as if you two are friends! What? Do you think them telling you a little bit about themselves makes you two friends? Cause let me tell you, it doesn't." MC sternly said.

'There's no way THIS garbage human being could ever be my Henry. I don't know what Y/N was thinking. They need better friends.'

"So, what were the two of you doing together?"

"Again! That's none of your business! Why do you care!?"

"Just answer me! You both were in there for a while. They also didn't answer their phone in favor of being with you, so what did you do? You were both alone in the house for several hours. In your room nonetheless."

Levi finally understood or at least got a mental picture of what MC was implying. "What are you insinuating!?"

"Did you hook up or not?"

"I-wha, no! Why did your mind go there immediately!? You're starting to think like Asmo. And even if we did, that doesn't involve you."

"But it does because–!" MC cut themselves off.


"Whatever. I just have a request to make. I want you to lend me one of your record discs from TSL." They demanded.

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