A solution? Pt 1

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"Lucifer!?" You and Karasu yelled as you both turned to look at him. You'd been bamboozled.

Lucifer sat on the couch, full of shame and embarrassment.

"I am so sorry! If I would've known I wouldn't have, like, hugged you or anything. I'm sorry, you must've been so uncomfortable." You apologized.

"No, it's–"

"But why didn't you say anything sooner?" Karasu asked, giving Lucifer a judgmental look. 'What's he trying to do? Why would he wait to tell us? Or...was he NOT planning on saying anything? If that's the case then why? What was he trying to achieve?' Karasu stepped closer to you, glaring at Lucifer.

That was a good question. Lucifer thought his answer over, why didn't he immediately explain to you the situation? He couldn't say it was because it didn't concern you, since it directly affected your friend, so it in fact did concern you.

'I guess...being in Satan's body gives me some freedom from my tasks.' Lucifer thought back to your behavior from earlier. You'd been so excited to see Satan, and you'd been so comfortable around him. On top of that it was obvious that you cared, you noticed something was wrong and right away you tried making him feel better. Satan wasn't good at telling others how he really felt, unless that someone was Lucifer because then he made his feelings clear. Lucifer could appreciate you not pushing his brother for information.

'Would it be so bad that I want something like that too?' Lucifer thought to himself. Sure, he had Diavolo, and he knew he could count on him, but at the same time, having other people around that weren't his siblings didn't sound so bad. Was it wrong that he wanted to be looked after for once? Was it so bad he wanted someone to shower him in affect and take care of him every once in a while?

No, at least he didn't think it was. But you've already seen it, time and time again with the brothers. All they really had were themselves, none of them had really had friends or people they had deep emotional connections to. They may be popular, but being popular doesn't automatically mean you have friends. So, yeah, maybe Lucifer was a bit jealous of Satan, maybe he was jealous of his support system, but he was also happy for him. Lucifer was still Satan's older brother, and he prioritized his brothers over himself.

"Satan wanted me to play along. I guess you could say he was trying to find a way of informing you." Lucifer said. 'Yes, just hide behind that reasoning.'

Satan was confused, and began denying Lucifer's claim. "I didn't say that."

"Well you don't have to say something in order to communicate. Your body language told me enough." Lucifer defended himself.

'I suppose he's right...' Satan thought. "I guess that's fair."

"I want to hug you but..." You looked at Satan up and down. "I feel like it'd be violating your bodily autonomy, since it is technically your body, even if Satan is inhabiting it at the moment." You said.

"I agree. But it's also because I'm positive that if I hugged Lucifer's body right now, once he got it back he'd cook me on the spot." Karasu said, as he hugged you from behind.

"He probably would." Satan confirmed, which didn't help Karasu's case.

Karasu gulped and held onto you tighter. You looked from Satan to Lucifer and back to Satan.

"So...what are you going to do about this situation?"

"Well, Lucifer found out who casted the spell on the book that caused us to switch bodies, so we just have to find them and everything will be back to normal–why are you staring at me like that?"

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