Fight! Fight! Fight!

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You woke up as the car came to a stop. You'd always done that when you were younger. You could fall asleep in the car but as soon as you reached your destination you'd wake up. You rubbed your eyes, not liking that you were awake. You rubbed your neck, it hurt from the position you'd slept in.

"Good morning~" Asmo said.

"Hey, Asmo." You began shaking Levi to get him to wake up. He awoke and blinked a few times to get the sleep out of his eyes. You then woke Satan up, he had his eyebrows furrowed, clearly not liking being woken up.

"Sorry for waking you up Satan, but we've arrived at the how."

"Oh. Ok." Satan looked down at his lap. "Should I wake him up?"

"No, plus, I'm sure you'd like to carry him inside."

Satan advirted his eyes in embarrassment.

"Hey, Asmo, are they awake yet?" MC asked from the outside of the car. They peeked into the car to see you were awake.


"Y/N!" MC yelled in excitement.

The three of you grimaced at their loud voices.

"MC, please, I just woke up."

"Oops, sorry." They gave you a silly smile. "Anyway, Lucifer said our room has finally been rebuilt. Let's go check it out!" MC was excited to see the new room, but they mainly wanted to get you alone for a while.

"Hm, sure. You can take Karasu inside, right Satan?"

"Yeah." You got out of the car and followed MC into the home. You were mainly letting them drag you as you were practically falling asleep again. Lucifer stopped walking as MC passed by him to stare. It was as if MC was dragging around a lifeless body behind them. It was entertaining to say the least. You came to a sudden halt in front of your bedroom door. MC opened the door and pulled you inside.

"Wow! Look at this place! It looks so different from before, right?" MC pulled at your arm.

"Yeah. It does." You said. Looking around you saw two navy blue bean bags and made your way over to sleep.

There was a black bunk bed frame in the room. The drawers in the bottom, when pulled on, revealed another bed. You guess it was added with Karasu in mind. Though you were sure a cat bed would've gotten the job done too.

"Look, Y/N, we have a balcony." MC excitedly said.

"Wow. so cool." You didn't think there was much worth seeing out there.

"Hmph. What's wrong, Y/N? You look very moody."

You hadn't thought this through. In the human realm, you'd mainly interact with MC when your social battery was fully charged. That's why, to them, you were just as happy and energized as they were. However, like most teens and adults, you were just tired. You didn't necessarily show this side to MC because you knew they'd worry, but not in a good way, they'd worry in an annoying way. MC never experienced this, this tiredness. Sometimes you wondered if they were even human or if God just really loved them that much.

From what you'd seen, and you'd seen a lot, MC never struggled. As mentioned before, they're practically perfect and have the life that many wished they could've had. To them, if you weren't constantly happy or smiling then it must mean you're depressed, even if that's not the case. MC couldn't just let you feel your emotions, they felt like they had to fix it. Like they had to fix you. You never liked this side of them because of that. Not everything needs fixing, and right now, you don't need that.

"S' nothing. I'm just tired."

"Y/N, you know you can talk to me right?"

'But can I? You wouldn't understand even if I explained.'

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