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You were walking around the human world with Solomon. You were looking for small, but significant gifts for everyone else. You were also keeping an eye out for a casket or urn you could get. You were yet to decide exactly how you wanted to be buried. You were in a small antique shop. You used to visit it when you were younger, it wasn't the same one in your home town though. This shop was more outside of that town, so you were safe from running into anyone you knew. You were walking up and down the aisles looking at everything while Solomon looked for bottles and vials for his potions.

You decided to look in order from youngest to oldest, at least while you looked for the brother's gifts. You managed to find a cute little snow globe. It had the milky way galaxy in it and it lit up. It was perfect for Belphie. You began looking for anything that was Winnie the Pooh themed. Winnie the Pooh reminded you of Beel in more ways than one. Both were hungry and had their favorite food. Pooh's being honey and Beel's being burgers. They were both also cute, and Beel did also remind you of a bear with how strong he was.

You got him a red Winnie the Pooh hat, it had the little yellow ears on top with the word 'Pooh' written across the front in yellow font. You also got him a watch and a ring. It was a good thing the store had carts because you'd get tired from carrying stuff around. For Asmo, you decided to get something that he could store his jewelry in. You found one of those cute little jewelry boxes that looked like miniature closets. You also got some of those really old looking brushes, they looked fancy and like something royalty would use. You weren't sure if he'd actually use them but they'd be nice for decoration. You also managed to get a cute floral embroidered compact mirror. Sure, you had to fight an old lady for it but it was worth it.

You got Satan a journal. It was so he could express his emotions in a healthier way. It was very thick, it was one of those journals that almost looked like a purse. You also got him one of those creepy cat clocks, so he'd never forget the horrors he witnessed when he watched cats. On top of that you got him these two cat statues that helped keep your books in place when you put them on shelves. You also found a teal amulet, looking at it reminded you of his beautiful eyes.

"Into the cart it goes!" You put it into the cart.

Next up was Levi. You found a luggage briefcase with a record player inside. For the record, the player was built into the briefcase. It was a nice shade of blue. You remembered the night you listened to music together while you fell asleep. Levi liked music, he'd often send you his playlists. You noticed there were some records in that same area, and you saw that some of your favorite songs were there too. You grabbed some of them so Levi could play them on the record player.

Now you were choosing Mammon's gift. His gift and Lucifer's had to be the hardest ones to find. You had only gotten to know them as of late. You found a rectangular box that had jewels all over it. You weren't sure if it was worth anything, but you hoped Mammon would like it. You got him a magic eight ball, hopefully he'd consult it before making a stupid descision. Considering he got you a bracelet, you felt you should give him one too. You found a bracelet made out of black diamonds. You felt that this one did represent you, at least it represented what you were going through now.

You were finally looking for Lucifer's present. You thought of getting something that reminded him to take care of himself. You found some miniature envelopes and tiny paper. You decided to use these to set reminders for Lucifer, you would hide them in his office and room. Maybe in the pockets of his clothes too. You kept looking, he too liked music, you found a wooden box, it was an old one. It had the words 'You are my sunshine' burned into the wood. You rotated the little arm and that's the song that it started playing. You decided that you'd get him this. You also found the Love Rabbit from the plushie dreadfuls line.

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