Coping & Funeral

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Everyone has their own unique way of coping with things. Some lock themselves up, others find distractions, and some just obsess over things to keep their mind from thinking. Such is the case for everyone now. Grisella and Bucky had received their gifts and dealt with the will. Everyone got to choose what they wanted out of your room. Grisella and Bucky made sure to clean it all out. They didn't want what happened to the memories of Liltith to happen to yours.

They didn't want the brothers closing off your room. They didn't want them avoiding conversation about you, and they especially didn't want them to go back to how they were before. It's not what you would've wanted.

Everyone was doing their own thing. Lucifer nearly cried every time he'd find one of your little reminders. They were happy tears, it felt like you were still there. He started keeping them inside a jar so he could pull them out and reread them whenever he wanted. He went to sleep hugging the stuffed rabbit every night. He really, really missed you. He didn't know if he'd be able to hold back the tears the day they went to scatter your ashes.

Mammon was looking after MC, and the rest of his brothers too, if he was honest. He may be an idiot at times but when he really needs to, he can carry out his tasks as the older brother. He made everyone breakfast, and checked up on them regularly. Sometimes, at night he'd play with the magic eight ball. He'd ask small questions, nothing too deep.

"Would they like some dorayaki?" He'd ask the ball and then give it a shake. Most likely. The ball would answer and he'd make dorayaki. It did turn out to be just what they needed. Mammon would also remind them to take care of themselves. Asmo especially fell back on that, if the old him could see his current self right now, he would scream. But Asmo is beautiful no matter what.

Levi occupied his mind with playing video games, listening to music on the record player, taking care of Jeff, and sleeping. He mainly stayed in his room and kept to himself just like before. He'd cry himself to sleep and was overall miserable. Karasu would visit him from time to time and that made everything much more bearable. Karasu was his friend after all.

Satan had been writing his sorrows down. He usually wrote what he felt in the moment. Sometimes it was in the form of poems, and sometimes the letters were written so quickly that they looked like nothing but scribbles. He still had many pages left to go and he was glad for that. He loved seeing that stupid cat clock in the mornings, though it was kind of scary at night. He made sure to clean his amulet every day and to keep it safe. He'd spend most of his time buying more books and reading about all kinds of topics from the human realm. He'd take hours to just reorganize his shelves. By now he'd already ordered them alphabetically, by size, color and from his favorite to his least favorite. He was running out of ways to organize. Spring could not come any faster.

Asmo spent his time organizing his jewelry, over and over again. He sort of obsessed over it. As for the mirror, he didn't really like his reflection. He did like to trace his fingers over the embroidery, he'd fall asleep doing it. Eventually Solomon had intervened, he helped Asmo get out of bed and take a shower. It wasn't anything fancy, but just enough to help out. While Asmo was bathing, Solomon cleaned his room and did his laundry. Asmo felt nice and refreshed.

"Feeling better?" Solomon asked.

"As good as I can be." Solomon was quick, he had brought Asmo some sweets and tea. Asmo did quite enjoy his meal. He still felt sad, but it was only natural.

"Come here. I think we both need a hug." Solomon welcomed Asmo into his arms. Asmo was surprised, but he enjoyed the hug. This was so unlike Solomon but it was exactly what he needed.

"Solomon? Do you love me?" Asmo asked with his face buried in Solomon's neck.

Solomon didn't know what he meant by that. If he was asking Solomon if he loved him romantically or platonically, but it didn't matter. "Yes. I love you." Regardless of the context Solomon loved Asmo.

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