Happiness doesn't last forever

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"So what are our theories?" You asked the group. Today you were talking with Solomon, Bucky, and Grisella. You'd told them what you felt just before passing out, and after interrogating Samuel some more, you had more information to work with.

"So in order for Samuel to get back into the diamond, he needs to take your life. Like, taking your life sort of pushes him out of your body, right?" Solomon restated just to be sure he was right.

"Yes it's something like that. Samuel said he didn't really know how to put it into words. However in order to do that he needs to be strongly connected to the soul of the person. Oh! He also mentioned that the process of pushing him out begins much sooner, that's why the diamond affected me, part of my soul was already in there." You further explained.

"Ok, and the bond has weakened?" Bucky asked again for confirmation.

"Yes." You said.

"We can try breaking the diamond again, if Samuel needs Y/N's life to get back into the diamond, but there's no diamond, it should stop the curse." Grisella suggested.

"Would Samuel leave or be stuck inside Y/N?" Bucky asked.

"I think he would be able to leave but at the same time if he stays, then we can just exorcize him." Grisella said matter of factly.

"That's great and all but you're forgetting one little thing. That being that hurting the diamond hurts Y/N." Solomon pointed out the flaw in their almost perfect plan.

"Don't worry about it. It's like they say, 'no pain no gain' am I right?"

"Y/N didn't you literally pass out because of the pain?" Solomon reminded you.

"Fair, but you can just sedate or numb me."

"We'd have to wait till Y/N's time is almost over, that's when the bond weakens the most, and we're already halfway through the diamond, so that ten minute time stamp should be enough time to fully break it." Bucky said.

"Sounds good to me!" You said. You still got to spend time with the others before you died. "In case it doesn't work, I should start writing my will. And pick out a casket or urn for my ashes." Solomon stared at you with his mouth agape. You always found a way to surprise him. "I think I'll pick out something colorful, I never liked the plain black or brown casket. Why not have a mint green one?" You said out loud, it was obvious you were mostly talking to yourself.

"Sometimes I wonder how your mental health is doing." Solomon said.

You laughed, "Yeah but I try to see the bright side of things. Does it always work? No, but it's worth trying. It's either that or cope with terrible humor."

"Right. So what's going to happen now? Are you going back on vacation or are you staying here?" Solomon asked, he lowkey wanted to help you pick out the casket. He didn't want you dead, but he figured it'd be interesting. (He was also worried about your mental health as he didn't expect you to react like this)

"I still don't know. They'll let me know soon though."

"Well, what do you want to do in the meantime?" Solomon asked. By now Grisella and Bucky had decided to give you two some alone time. Though the probability of something happening was low, they mostly left so the two of you could hang out. Plus, Grisella wanted tea.

"Well, the brothers and MC are at school. Karasu is working the whole vacation thing out with his family...so I guess we can go out to town. Unless you have to go back to school."

"I don't have to go back, plus we got a casket to pick out." He smiled at you.

"You're right. So, shall we get going?" You held out your arm for him to take.

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