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"MC, are you awake?" You whispered to MC. You received no response. You turn to look at them, they're sleeping soundly. You carefully get out of bed and slip on your slippers. You quietly open the door and slip out. You don't really have a plan, but you might as well get acquainted with the home, right? You began walking around. You came across the different rooms of the brothers. You made sure to be quiet not to disturb anyone, and you even tippy-toed when passing Lucifer's door.

You soon came across a stairwell. There were a lot of stairs and it led to what you assumed was the attic. You could see the pale blue moonlight coming from up above to light up the stairs. You decided to approach the stairs. You wanted to see what was up there. As you began to climb you heard a door creak open. You stopped, frozen on the staircase. You heard the door shut, followed by footsteps. You quietly got back down and peaked around the corner. You managed to catch a glimpse of orange hair. It was Beelzebub.

'He's probably going to go eat. I guess a midnight snack couldn't hurt, right?' You decided to follow him. He was fast, so by the time you'd reached the kitchen, he'd already rummaged through it. He didn't seem to notice you. You were both equally horrified and amazed that someone could eat that much food.

"Wow." You said, that seemed to catch his attention as he looked up at you.

"Good morning, Y/N."

'It's night time, but I'll let it slide.'

"Good Morning Beelzebub."

"What are you doing?"

"I decided to come for a midnight snack but I guess you beat me to it, huh?" You said in a friendly manner.

"Yeah, better luck next time." He replied.

You decided to look at the fridge anyway. You opened it up and sure enough there wasn't anything in there. You closed it and decided to open the freezer. You reached your hand all the way to the back, who knows? Maybe Beelzebub overlooked something. You hand grazed something and you grabbed it, pulling your hand out you saw it was an ice cream container. You figured that Beelzebub would like it, so you turned to him.

"Hey, Beelzebub, I found some ice-cream, do you think it's still good-" Before you could continue you felt a rush of wind and the container was gone from your hands. You blinked a couple times to try and comprehend what happened.

"Isht twell guod." Beelzebub said, you didn't understand what he'd said since he had stuffed his face. You guessed that meant it was good if he was eating it with such glee. You shrugged and went back to looking through the freezer. Beelzebub left as soon as he finished his ice-cream.

You came across a block of ice. It wasn't even in a container or bag. It was just a random block of ice. How strange. You pulled it out. There seemed to be something frozen inside it.

"I wonder what it could be...Imma melt it." You searched through the cabinets to find a strainer. Thankfully you found one. You placed the ice block inside of it and placed the strainer under the faucet in the sink. You turned on the water and set it to hot. Sometimes, back home, you'd put water bottles in the freezer so they'd freeze, then the next day you'd place them under running hot water to melt the ice. And tada! Instant cold water.

Good thing you brought your D.D.D with you. It'll provide some entertainment while you wait. "Boy, I sure hope no one walks in. I don't know how I'd explain this." A few minutes later you checked the ice block and it'd melted significantly. A good portion of the card, well you guessed it was a card, was unfrozen. The ice was weak enough for you to break it away using your hands. So you did just that, afterwards you picked up the card and dried it off. Now that it was out of the ice block, you could inspect it better. The card was black and gold.

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