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"WHAT!?" You yelled. This was ridiculous. He tried to kill you and now he wants you to sleep in the same room as him!? Was Lucifer off his rockers?

"You can't be serious. After what just transpired about an hour ago! Are you crazy!? I'm not sharing a room with him! You want me to act like he didn't just try to murder me!?"

"I'm not asking you to pretend like nothing happened, I'm just informing you about your temporary living arrangement. It's not like we have another room we could put both of you in." Lucifer explained.

"How come MC has to stay in Beel's room? They could stay in mine." Mammon said. You did note that he referred to just MC, meaning he didn't want you in his room. Not like you could blame him. You threatened his credit card which to him was the equivalent of the family pet.

"No, Mammon, and Beel's room has two beds."

"I'm still not sleeping in there. I'd rather sleep on the staircase."

"I suspected this to happen. I'm not asking you to forget about the incident, but I understand that it can be mentally scarring, so I'm willing to accept any request you make as long as it's reasonable. Consider this a compromise, you get any request you want fulfilled and in exchange all you have to do is share a room with Beel." Lucifer proposed.

Being able to get whatever you wanted did sound alluring. Though you supposed that's why Lucifer made that proposal. You guess you could agree to the deal, doesn't mean you won't sleep with one eye open.

"Alright. I could live with that. Let's go MC." You grabbed their hand and began walking towards the stairs before stopping. "Where's Beel's room?" Sure you'd passed the brother's rooms before but you didn't know which one belonged to who. Beelzebub quickly rushed up the stairs past the two of you, avoiding eye contact and began leading you to his room. You all walked in agonizing silence.

The three of you hadn't really been friends, but on the rare times you all interacted, it was fun. Beelzebub liked that every morning you'd give him part of your breakfast. He liked that whenever you were eating and saw him stare, you'd ask him if he'd like some. When he'd steal food off your plate you'd never get mad, in fact you'd offer him some more. He felt like he'd just thrown a potential friendship out the window. He saw the terror, panic, and pain in your eyes. That wasn't the worst thing he saw, no, the worst was the look of betrayal you gave him. In some sense he did feel like he betrayed you, like at some point the two of you had made a deal to not hurt each other. It wasn't a verbal agreement but it was like an unspoken one.

You both reached his room and he opened up the door, welcoming you two in. First thing you did was notice the sun and moon theme. Another thing you noticed was that both sides of the room were exactly the same, minus the color schemes. It seemed as if the room was divided into purple and orange reddish halves. The left side of the room was the sun themed side. It had pictures of sunrises and overall very bright scenery. Meanwhile the right side had pictures of the night sky filled with stars and pictures of sunsets. It was eerie how everything seemed to be placed in the exact same spot just mirrored.

'This room is equal parts cool as it is creepy.' You thought to yourself. 'I guess the purple night time themed side is Belphie's.'

"So what bed are we gonna sleep in? Y/N and I can share the bed on the right." MC suggested. Too bad that was Belphie's bed.

"Actually that's my twin brother's bed. So you can just use mine and I'll sleep on the couch."

Any place was fine by you. As long as you didn't have to sleep on the floor. You began walking over to the bed. 'So Beelzebub and Belphegor are twins? I wouldn't have guessed. They look nothing alike, in fact they look like polar opposites.' You thought as you began to lift the bed covering and got underneath it.

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