Hang out Pt1

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Karasu was currently scrolling through his phone in his kitchen. After you'd fallen asleep he'd snuck back home to make you some cookies. He didn't exactly know how to deal with the situation you were in. He'd never experienced something like it. Actually, before you, he'd never had a friend before. Most other demons found him annoying and strange, but you didn't. You liked him just the way he was, which was one of the reasons he loved you.

He figured that food would make you feel better. Maybe you could fill that empty space with food? Now seemed like the best time to begin doing the things on your to do list. It could help you get your mind off of things. He made you some chocolate chip cookies. He sensed that you would want something from the human world. He put a lot of effort into these cookies. He'd never made them before so he hoped they turned out well.

"I swear, I must've grown muscles from mixing that dough together." He hadn't been able to use the electric mixer, seeing as he didn't want to wake up his family.

He heard his stomach rumble and decided to make himself some food. His family was more mixed, culture wise. Most demons only ever ate food from the Devildom and usually ignored any human food, because they thought they were above that. However, his family liked to mix it up. Judging from the leftovers and dishes from when he'd first entered the kitchen, they'd had hotdogs.

He checked if there were any more hotdog buns, and there were. He got everything he needed and made himself some hotdogs. The oven beeped, signaling it was done. He set his hotdogs aside and put on the oven mits. He opened the oven and took out the tray of cookies. He set it down on the counter to cool, closed the oven, and turned back to his hotdogs. Well, hotdog would be more correct, seeing as one of them was missing now.

"Belladonna! The little devil." Karasu whispered through gritted teeth. Remember, his parents were asleep. "Guess I should be grateful she only took one." Karasu began eating his hotdog, failing to notice the person approaching from behind him. He was half way done with his hotdog when he felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder.

He heard a sigh and looked at the person from the corner of his eye. "So you make your hotdog at three AM? Hot diggity dog your ass to bed." The familiar honeyed echoing voice said.

"You scared me. I thought you were mom for a sec, Clair." Karasu turned around to look at his older sister. "How did I not see you? Your eyes are basically like two flashlights that were put into your head."

"Yeah, yeah, so, what you doing down here? Why haven't you been hanging around lately?"

"I was making cookies for my friend. They just broke off a lifelong friendship."

Clair put her hand over her mouth. "Oh, my, that's horrible."

"It's not. They were toxic."

"Oh. So what cookies did you make?"

"A human world classic. Chocolate chip cookies."

"We haven't had those before, have we?"

"Not as far as I'm concerned–"


"That's hot!" Two high pitched voices said from where the cookie tray was. Karasu and Clair looked in the direction of the noise. From behind the counter, they saw two pairs of buns.

"Hey, Hipno, Tizar, what are you doing awake right now? You have school tomorrow. Go to sleep. Don't make me get Somina to put you two to sleep." Clair threatened.

"No! Whenever he puts us to sleep–" Hipno began saying.

"We always get weird dreams." Tizar finished her sister's sentence.

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