Last hang out...or is it?

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"'re going to say goodbye today?" Clair asked you as you were placing the gifts inside the rooms of the Moon siblings.

"Pretty much. I'll hang out here and hug everyone goodbye."

"Well, good thing you do that everytime, it won't look suspicious."

"Right." You agreed. You were moving around the rooms. For Clair's present, since she was helping you, you told her to leave her room so you could hide the present. Not that it would do much since, again, she could see the future. And while her power didn't work at will, you never knew when it'd show her where the present was. You hid her gift on top of her dresser and pushed it all the way to the back. You did plan on leaving the locations of the gifts next to your will. Just to make sure they could all find their gifts, but if you were worried about that you should probably put them somewhere else.

You moved Clair's present so it was under her bed. This was better in your opinion. Once you were done, Clair joined you and you went to Somnia's room. Once you were there, you put the eye mask and headphones on the llama. You then pushed it into the closet and covered it with clothes. Clair makes mental notes to remember where the presents were. When you got to Shiva's room, you decided that hiding it in plain sight would be best. You hung the hoodie inside the closet. You placed it somewhere in the middle so it wouldn't be easily seen.

Looking at Karasu's room and his gift, you could feel yourself break. You didn't want to leave but whether you lived or didn't wasn't up to you. It was out of your control, you could only hope for the best. You set the box with the bracelet on his desk with all his monitors. You looked at the room one last time before moving onto the twins.

The twins room was just as terrifying as you thought it would be. There were dismembered dolls, a guillotine–seriously where did they get that? There were mixed and matched toys scattered on the floor. The closet was open so you could see the hangers made out of doll legs. Their mirror had a doll head on top, they had fake spiders on the walls too. You shivered, all the eyes made you uneasy. You saw their dvd player and set the Betty Boop collection on top of it. You hide the Furby in the closet, adding to the eyes inside the room. You couldn't wait to leave the room. You loved the twins but hated that room.

You figured the best place to leave the polly pocket and tamagotchi would be in Bella's shed. You didn't think Bella would be looking in there anytime soon. Now that you were done here, you were going to Purgatory hall. Once you got there, Solomon let you in. He'd sent Simeon and Luke to get some stuff so you could have time. Of course you told Solomon to leave his room while you hid his present. You put the cookbook in one of his drawers (the furthest one down) and the hat was put in the chest he had at the foot of his bed.

You put Luke's tamagotchi in the drawer by his nightstand, the same place where he kept the game boy. You decided to move the gameboy to a different drawer just to be safe. You place the gameboy, tamagotchi, and the games for the gameboy in the second drawer. You closed it and started looking for a place to put the fishing game.

"Hey Solomon? Could you keep the game for the meantime? It's for Luke and Bella, but I don't know where to hide it."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind." He took the game from you and placed it under his bed. Moving onto Simeon's gift, you placed the box with the necklace inside along with the rest of his gold. It wasn't a lot of gold but it was enough to hide the box. Satisfied, you went to the Castle. Barbatos was the only other person that knew what you were doing.

You didn't even try hiding the gift from Barbatos. Have you seen his room? Man has no bed, there's only doors. You wouldn't be surprised if he had to sleep on the cold, hard concrete. You had wrapped the presents so either way there was no way he'd be able to tell what it was. You just wanted him to open it later in the week. You did get to go up to Diavolo's room, though. You placed the succulents and necklace box on the window sill. You'd say goodbye to Barbatos later, you had to come back with your paper anyway.

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